My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2598: Strong land smoke (six)

"What do you want?" Joe faintly looked up and swept over the face of Luyan.

"What? Do you..." Lu Yan said with no anger.

Qiao Fei: ...

"Take off...."

"Give me some time to prepare, I think... too sudden." Joe is actually a rare shy.

The cheeks are reddish... Although I have always wanted to sleep, I didn’t expect this moment to come so fast.

It’s a surprise in surprise...

Seeing that Joe was really thinking about it, Lu Yan gave a punch to his head.

"Nima, you really want too much, I am going to give you a dressing..."

"Amount..." Joe Fei is squatting.

"Hurry up, don't sharpen, aunt's patience is limited."

In the end, Joe Fei, under the urging of Luyan, slowly pulled down the trousers.

Inside is black boxer briefs.

Lu Yan took the first aid kit and smashed it down and rolled the corner of his underwear directly.

Exposed to the roots of the thighs, sure enough, there are traces of bullets.

"Jonan, a despicable villain, has always been poisonous. I don't know if there is any poison on the bullet. I have to scrape the carrion. In order not to affect your brain, you are not prepared to use anesthesia for you. It may be very painful. You endure it. ”

"Well." Joe nodded.

Luyan directly pulled out the dagger that was carried with him and burned it with a candle.

Then carefully scrape the carrion, although it is only some skin on the surface, but the pain is still very high.

Even if it is a tough guy like Joe Fei, although he is not vocal, he is sweating.

"Just right."

Subsequently, Lu Yan Mali treated the wound, used the iodophor to sterilize the wound, and finally took out some white powder and sprinkled it.

"This is a traumatic medicine that I developed myself. After three days, you will definitely grow granulation again and resurrect."

"it is good."

"Okay, get it."

Luyan may be in a good mood. After wrapping the wound, he used his little white hand to shoot the thighs of others.

The roots of the thighs themselves are the sensitive parts of the man. When she took such a shot, Joe did react.

Looking at the small tent suddenly raised, the land smoke is a bit stunned.

Although this grandmother is not afraid of the sky, she knows geography under the astronomy, but she only knows the theory of men and women, but she has not practiced it.

So I haven’t reacted yet...

I even touched it with a curious hand. "What happened here, is there any trauma?"

"Small smoke... don't move." Joe did not stop in time.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yan looked awkward.

"I'm afraid... I can't help but eat you." Joe's cheeks were red.

At this time, Lu Yan suddenly realized that... suddenly he couldn’t make a red face.

"The trough... It’s shameless, how can you do this?"

"Please...I’m gonna touch it, I can’t do anything...” Joe was innocent.

"Smelly shameless, Joe perverted you...accounting for me." Lu Yan immediately rubbed his face with his hands.

"Okay, no trouble, I ask you... I just held that in your hand, really is - Ghost No. 1?" Joe asked seriously.

When Lu smoke heard this, he immediately put his hand down and smiled. "You guess."

"I guess not."

"What?" Lu Yan was curious.

"Because there is a ghost in the year when there are billions of terrorist organizations to buy, the cost is bound to be high, so expensive things, presumably you will not make a lot, and will not carry it with you."


"So... you just threatened Joanna's, what is it?" Joe was not curious.

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