My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2600: Strong land smoke (eight)

"There is a connection, my father is very good, the old man is smarter than me, there will be nothing." Lu Yan joked.

"You... always do not put anything in your eyes, be careful, you know?"

"Know, sister, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay……."

"Really? How do I hear that you are divorced?" Lu Yan’s news has always been very well-informed.

"Oh... it’s a small contradiction. It’s the media that likes to hype, you don’t care.”

"Is doudding and pudding still okay?"

"Alright, it's very good, you don't have to worry."

"Well, if someone bullies you, tell me, I am going to blow up her for you."

"Haha, okay." Huo Mian particularly likes the sister of Luyan, because this little girl is very similar to his personality.

The character that is not afraid of fear, the guts that are not afraid of fear, and her temper that will blow up people’s temper.

Let Hung Mian love it very much...

"Sister, what are you laughing at, I said really, I have a lot of bombs, various models, the world's most advanced bombs, tracking missiles, and even ... rockets, I can get them."

"Haha." Huo Mian laughed and replaced.

"I said really, I am not kidding."

"I know."

"Then you still laugh, how do I feel that you don't believe me, thinking that I am bragging?" Lu Yan was a little depressed in the temple.

"No, just... your sister, I am just an ordinary person. I really don't need any rockets for you. Haha, it's too wasteful."

"Okay, okay, in short... sister, you are good, don't be afraid of anything, I will follow you."

"Well, little smoke, you yourself... be careful, you know?"

"Know it, nothing, okay, my sister won't say it, I hang up, ha."

"So fast..." Huo Mian reluctantly reluctantly, and it was a rare month to make a phone call with Lu Yan. It was really a hang.

"International long distance is very expensive." Lu Yan deliberately said.

"Crap, you are not bad money." Huo Mian laughed.

She knows that Luyan is rich and rich, and the gift of giving twins will be over 100 million.

"Make you play, I have something to do here, I can't talk to you for too long, but I will always call you."

"Well, you have to remember that I always report peace."

"Okay, then... goodbye, sister."

"Goodbye, little smoke."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yan was somewhat lost. She didn't want to be with Huo Mian and sat in the coffee shop to chat.

Go shopping in the mall, buy clothes with your sister, be a beauty, play golf.

However, that was never her way of life.

She was destined to be a king from birth...

Sometimes, she will also fantasize that if the person who lost her parents was her, how good it would be.

Then she can live the days of ordinary people like her sister.

Go to college, do what you like, make a boyfriend you love, and then... get married after graduation and have a bunch of your own baby.

However, all the wishes that these ordinary people can achieve are far from reachable to Luyan.

"Smoke, the meal is good, you can eat." Joe Fei stood under the house and looked up at the roof.

"Good." Lu Yan only said one word, flew directly and jumped from above.

More than three meters high, she was as light as Yan, and had to say that Kung Fu is very powerful.

When I was eating, I went to gossip, and Lu smoke suddenly asked emotionally. "Joe, you know, when I was very young, what was my dream before the age of five?"

“Is it a bomb expert?” Joe asked.

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