My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2608: God makes you die, it will make you crazy (six)

"What are you?" Liu Ze was scared.

"The person who wants you to die..."

The man used a voice changer, and the words were strange, with shaking vibrato.

"This buddy... you have to pay more..."

Liu Zetian really thought it was the desperate person who robbed the money...

The man holding the axe smiled coldly. "I am only interested in your life."

After that, an axe slammed down, and Liu Ze suddenly scared his ass.

He climbed up and ran to the bedroom...

Unfortunately, the man was faster than him. When he had not waited to touch the bedroom door, his hair was caught by the man behind him.

Then he slammed his hair directly to the wall and was extremely violent.

This collision, pretending that Liu Ze is taking a gold star...

"Buddy... you want to kill me... let me die and understand... Where did I offend you?"

Liu Ze did not understand, he came back soon, in the hospital, there is no enmity...

Wait, hospital?

Liu Ze suddenly thought of something, asked the person, "Are you from Qin Chu sent?"

He thought that because he and Huo Mian were too close, Qin Chu was jealous, so he was looking for someone to deal with him.

"Qin Chu? Haha... He is not worthy to direct me."

After that, the man raised his hand is an axe...

Liu Ze was dodging and flashing again... but his arm was trampled by the man.

"You will not enjoy the good and rich days, but run back to death... I will fulfill you today..."

After that, the man raised the axe again...

Liu Ze screamed in his heart and said, "If you don't resist, you may have lost your life."

So slammed his head toward the man’s belly...

Perhaps it was not expected that he was so reluctant to resist, the axe in the hand of the man was flying far away by his impact.

He climbed up desperately...

However, the man still refused to let him go, and Liu Ze’s arm was left with his feet.

In order to protect himself, Liu Ze went back and took a toolbox not far away.

But I didn't wait to touch the thing, I only felt that my wrist was cool...

It is followed by severe pain...

He turned his head and saw the man holding a dagger and cutting his wrist...

It is terrible to spurt blood donation.

"Ah... help, help..." Finally, his emotions collapsed and he even cried.

Perhaps it is his life, the community has installed an audible alarm to protect these rich people.

When the alarm automatically recognizes the sound of abnormal decibels, it will automatically alarm and the alarm will sound.

The man with a skull mask slowly rose up - let me go first today.

After that, he quickly opened the door and left...

Liu Ze struggled to get up, wanted to go to the hospital, but suddenly... The brain moved and made a mourning.

Then he slowly picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number directly with a software that blocked the number. Then he said, "I know a secret about Huoming. If you want to know, come to Zhongguan Road No. 5, Tianqi PR, Building 601, Building 7.

After that, he crawled on the ground tiredly before he called the hospital...

"I am hurt, come and pick me up... Don't worry too much, I can handle the wound for a while, you can do it in fifteen minutes."

After receiving the phone call from Dr. Liu, the ambulance in the Southern District immediately began preparations.

Inside a hall

Su Yu, Tang Chuan, Wei Liao three people, have not been together for a long time, are drinking.

After receiving the phone call, Su Yu changed his face and got up.

"Su Ye, why are you going, what happened?" Tang Chuan asked.

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