My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2620: The rain is coming from the wind (8)

"Okay, don't tease you." Huo Mian laughed.

"Then let's go, my business is full of the city, the media must be blocked at the door... You have recently had enough things with Qin Chu, and then it’s a misunderstanding to say something that is ugly with those bastards. Su Yu said more thoughtfully.

"Well, time is almost up, I am leaving." Huo Mian looked at his watch and arrived in ten minutes.

"Small you come to see me?" Su Yu was worried. If he really couldn’t get out of it, or if he needed medical treatment, he would be forced to leave.

When I want to see Huo Mian, it is not easy... He has known her for a long time since she has been away from her for a long time.

"I won't come here to see you again." Huo Mian said in a serious way.

Su Yu was a little disappointed and bowed his head...

Then he heard Huo Mian said, "Because I will help you to clean up the crime and let you go out, you will not have something, peace of mind."

After that, Huo Mian turned and left, just like her character, she was very popular.

When Su Yu raised his head again, he only saw a vague back.

How can such a woman make him not love?

When it is gentle, it is strong and strong.

There has never been a princess disease, a weak personality, a demeanor in the atmosphere, a wise and open-mindedness, and even... a friend who is willing to work with his friends.

God did not give Huo Mian a face that fell into the country, but in addition to these, the other was given.

Years are the things that can best test people. As time goes by, the face is actually not long.

The most beautiful is always the shining point of this person...

Huo Mian never brags, and rarely rushes to Haikou, but this time, she is so determined to help Su Yu to clean up the crime, then she will have a way.

Su Yu found out that he did not know when he had already trusted the woman to 100%.

When Huo Mian came out of the city bureau, Gao Ran personally sent it, in order to avoid the media that were as annoying as flies.

Gao Ran sent Huo Mian from the side door...

"Su Yu's things, I will find a solution." Huo Mian said.

"I know that you are friends, you will definitely help him... But, Huo Mian, between you and Qin Chu..." Gao Ran seems to want to ask what happened between the husband and wife.

"We are fine, don't worry, I will solve the problem of Su Yu first. I have any news here, please tell me at any time."

"it is good."

"Then I am gone, thank you, Gao Ran." Huo Mian graciously bid farewell to Gao, then drove away.

a cafe in the city

Zhang Manlin wore the favorite clothes of Huo Mian to meet Qin Chu.

Use the means of the heart of the machine.

When she saw Qin Chu, she smiled. "Qin, you are one minute late..."

Is it meaning to be with Qin Chu?

Qin Chu no expression, sitting opposite her.

She saw that Qin Chu did not respond to herself, and some embarrassed, then took out a delicate handbag.

"The inside is some special products that I brought to you. They are grown by my parents in the countryside. It is delicious. You try it. If you like it, I will bring it to you in the future."

Zhang Manlin thinks that if he is so cute, it should make Qin Chu feel a little better about himself.

"Is the earrings good?" Qin Chu stared at Zhang Manlin and glanced at it.

"Ah... my earrings are high imitation goods, not really, really I can't afford it." Zhang Manlin screamed badly, how can she forget to take off the limited edition that Dior launched last Christmas, then She went shopping, took a fancy, took a card that Huo Siqian gave her, directly swiped more than 30,000, bought the pair of earrings.

Qin Chu suddenly said that her earrings are good, what does this mean, is it... doubt what? Zhang Manlin is getting more and more guilty.

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