My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2626: The mountain rain is coming to the wind (fourteen)

"I said slyly, Uncle Liu Ze, you are an adult. How can you do such a brainless thing? Since it is a well-respected overseas returnee, how can it be done to destroy other families and concentrate on the small three? ... People are self-aware, even if you don’t dream of eating swan meat all day long, right?"

Liu Ze: ...

After the pudding’s remarks were finished, he could hear it out. This little scorpion came to pick him up and fight against him.

He is also compared to the embarrassment of no self-knowledge...

"Hey? Uncle Liu, why don't you talk, don't I say it right?" Pudding asked with a special card.

"Yes, what you said... all right." Liu Ze said with anger, biting his teeth and saying a word.

"So, after my sister and I listened to the words, I felt a little guilty. I had misunderstood Uncle Liu Ze before... I just heard that you were hospitalized, so come see you."

"Ah, thank you." Liu Ze began to not give the pudding a good face.

"Uncle Liu, is your wound still hurting?" asked Doudin.

While talking, he looked down at Liu Ze’s wrist wrapped in white gauze. He had just had a gluten surgery and had cast a plaster. He did not dare to move a lot.

"No pain." Liu Ze hard back.

At this time, the pudding turned back. "Sister, I am a little thirsty."

The little nurse ran over immediately. "What do you want to drink, boiled water or a drink?"

"Can Coke be? Usually, Mommy rarely lets us drink at home, does my sister buy me a bottle?" After that, Pudding lowered his head and took out ten dollars in his carry-on bag.

"Hey, don't you pay, my sister asked you to drink." After that, the little nurse turned and ran out.

In less than a minute, a bottle of black cola was handed out from the vending machine outside the door to the pudding.

The pudding drank a small sip and then suddenly sneezed a sneeze.

She leaned forward and the flattening cola was just on the wrist of Liu Ze.

The gauze of the wound was instantly wet...

"What are you doing?" Liu Ze was angry, and he couldn't think too much, facing the pudding.

Pudding looked in a panic, then reached out and held Liu Ze’s wound.

"Sorry, Uncle Liu, I didn't mean it, I will wipe it for you."

It is rubbing, but every time I press it, I use the power of the whole body...

The painful Liu Ze is sweating. "Go away, don't touch me. Call the doctor to change the medicine for me. Hurry up."

Liu Zewei said...

The little nurse behind her hugged the pudding in time, she was not pushed down by Liu Ze...

"Dr. Liu, the child is not intentional, how can you push her... almost fell?" The little nurse looked at Liu Ze with anger and felt that he was not loving.

"What do you know, this child is deliberate, she is particularly vicious." Liu Ze pointed to the pudding.

"Uncle Liu is sorry, I really didn't mean it...." Pudding screamed in tears.

"You give me out..." Liu Ze now sees the pudding, only feels that his head hurts.

The wound was first wet by Coke, and the pain was not enough. The child came up and pressed a few times.

Liu Ze felt that it would hurt to faint...

If it weren’t for the children who were Huo Mian and Qin Chu’s, he didn’t want to be an enemy for himself. It’s really a slap in the face of this little child’s flight.

"What happened to Dr. Liu, how do you make such a big anger at the end?" Several nurses at the door were also dumbfounded.

At this time, the pudding went to the door and whispered, "Sisters, I think that you Liu is not only a hand injury, but also a mental problem. I suggest that you go to the psychiatric department to find a doctor and come over and give him a good look."

After that, the pudding proudly opened the door and went out... perfectly completed the task of today.

On the other hand, the Bean Ding stumbled to find the Finance Department...

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