My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2798: Going further and further on the road to death (6)

"Mom, you are not... Now your son has fallen to the point where you want to marry a divorced woman?"

"No, Mom didn't mean that. Isn't this Mrs. Wei coming to ask me? Then again, don't you wait to see the divorced woman? What happened to the divorce? Didn't touch the moral bottom line, Wei Ying almost tempered. The other children can still, then say... It’s hard to hear. If Xiaomian is divorced, you will not only dislike it. You must be happy with the two dolls brought by others?” Speak slowly.

"Mom, not the same."

"How is it different?"

"Because she is asleep, so she accepts what..."

"What do you mean, as long as it is not a sleep, others are good, you are innocent?" Mrs. Su was a little angry.

"Not at all, but Wei Ying can't. First, her ex-husband is Shen Mingxi. The kid has been my brother since childhood, what is this? What kind of woman does the brothers want? Isn't it because the people in the circle laugh at the big teeth? Second, Wei Ying's temper is not good, it is quite violent, even her brother can not stand, let alone me, character is not suitable, third, my own things, I will do my own plan Mom, don't worry about me, okay? If you really want to hold your grandson, then it's easy... I get some sperm, go find a few surrogacy, artificial insemination, grandson, you want a few, give you Give birth to a few, don't bother me...."

After that, Su Yu got up and left...

"You..." Mrs. Su has always been gentle as water, but this time, it is also the pain of the son's liver.

That's the sentence, the son is too big to be a mother... Su Yu is no longer obedient since childhood.

Especially in life events, I can't hear anything.

GK Group Headquarters

"Bella sister, I just took up the post of Assistant General Qin. Many things are still not very well understood. Please take care of them in the future." Zhang Manlin held the folder and met Bella, who met the narrow road.

"Too much polite, Miss Zhang has always been a gods, the people who Qin Qin has handed, I dare to take care of it." Bella is quite annoying Zhang Manlin.

"Sister Bella, I know that you have misunderstood me before, but I will slowly prove it to you. I am not a vase... I will do very well."

"When you make a grade, let's talk about it... No, I should say, wait until you can sit still in this position."

Bella finished coldly and passed by...

People who don’t know what they are outside know that Zhang Manlin has contributed to the rescue of the children this time, so she was promoted.

I don’t know the true intentions of Qin Chu and the twins.

"General Qin, this is the information I have compiled, you please look at it." Zhang Manlin wore a blue professional suit, with delicate makeup, trying to make herself look like a career elite.

"Place it here."

"General Qin, are you free at night?" Zhang Manlin is arrogant.

"You said."

"Oh... this is the case... I dragged my friend to buy two tickets for the snooker game. I heard that you like to play snooker, so I want to see it with you."

"I don't have time, I will accompany my daughter to the ice rink at night."

"This way... that line, then next time..." Zhang Manlin was slightly disappointed.

"Right, do you know that Zhang Shubao?" Qin Chu suddenly asked.

"No... don't know, what's wrong?" Zhang Manlin flustered, Zhang Shubao, she remembered that the mountain villager who had been in her cellar.

"He asked me to let him come to the company to be a security guard, saying that he wanted to be closer to you..." Qin Chu said that he did not have a deep look at Zhang Manlin.

Scared that she immediately changed her face... She really worried, what would the bandit say to Qin Chu?

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