My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2800: Going farther and farther on the road to death (eight)

"Follow you, what joke are you doing?" Zhang Manlin smiled disdainfully.

"I don't look bad... I don't know how old I am... although I don't have a high school, but I still have a room, a car, and money... There is a steady job, so I can't deserve you. What?"

"You have this kind of bandit, there is more money, and you can't change the taste of the earthen buns... I want to marry me, dream, let me tell you the truth, my purpose... is Qin."

Zhang Manlin is too lazy to waste his tongue and directly clarify.

"What? General Qin... But there are always wives in Qin...."

Sliding head remembers that when he took the twins, he saw the wife of Qin in the past.

It is a woman who is particularly powerful in the gas field. It seems that people feel very far away and dare not approach.

He did not expect that this woman actually remembered the great man like Qin.

"What happened to my wife? If I got married, I can divorce... I have come from the beginning... It’s for Qin, or do you really think that I am willing to work as a broken assistant? Oh... It’s too simple... No, it should be said that you are too stupid. I was so happy with you at that time because I was trapped in danger and forced to helpless. Now you dare to touch me and try it. Do you believe me to tell you? "Zhang Manlin is arrogant.

"You woman is really faster than changing the sky..." Zhang Shubao sighed, and some heart was cold.

From small to large, I liked a woman for the first time. It is still the result that he never imagined.

"Let's talk nonsense, tell you... hurry out from GK... Don't see me when I'm there, otherwise... I'm welcome to you."

"Zhang Manlin, you have no conscience... One day couples have a hundred days..." Zhang Shubao had some heartache and stopped Zhang Manlin’s way.

"Get out of the way, take your dirty hands away... Don't touch me, what couples don't have a husband and wife? I was bitten by a dog at that time... You are a disgusting countryman, I really saw a spit once... ”

Zhang Manlin slammed Zhang Shubao and then stepped on the five-inch high heels and walked away.

After returning to the city, Zhang Manlin was just like the same person, and her attitude was terrible.

Zhang Shubao was awkward, but he did not want to leave the group headquarters because he cherished the job that Qin always gave.

Shen's Group meeting room entrance

Huo's orange dress, holding a limited edition bag of Chanel in his hand.

These are all Shen Mingxi bought for her, how much money is not said, but Shen Mingxi really hurts her, at least everything is willing.

"Miss Huo, do you want to go to the lounge first, and the general meeting of Shen will not know when to open?" The female secretary advised.

"No, I am waiting here."

Huo Wei is also no way, and he is going to ask Shen Mingxi for the last time. He will see the mother’s case and he will start the court.

If you do not manage it, once the crime is fixed, the result will be changed, and it will be even more difficult to change it later.

Huo Wei’s voice just fell, Shen Mingxi walked out of the conference room, followed by the group’s top management.

"Ming Xi..." Huo Hao quickly stepped forward and took the arm of Shen Mingxi.

"I am in a meeting." Shen Mingxi's attitude is not hot or cold.

Since Huo’s mother’s accident, the relationship between the two has gradually collapsed, and Shen Mingxi has not even returned to sleep twice.

Go straight back to Shenjia Villa...

"Ming Xi, give me five minutes, I am really anxious." Huo Wei begged.

"I beg you... Ming Xi." Huo Wei is constantly spoiled.

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