My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2808: Weird wedding (six)

"Don't call it so close, I am not your Acheng brother, I don't have your sister like a wolf."

Acheng was very loyal to Huo Siqian, so when he learned that Zhang Manlin had violated the meaning of Huo Siqian, he privately let go of the twins.

Also, the dog leg was invited to Qin Chu, and when he entered GK as a personal assistant of Qin Chu, Acheng was angry.

The first feeling is that his boss was betrayed by Zhang Manlin.

So I always wanted to find a chance to clean up her...

"Acheng brother, you listen to me..."

"Shut up, I will ask you... Who brought you out from the poor mountain ditch? To give you a facelift, don't forget what kind of bird you were in the beginning?"

"Yes, I know, I can't forget the grace of Qiange to me." Zhang Manlin was busy explaining.

"Stop, don't call the boss, you are insulting the boss's personality... How can you live today, and the taste of the seller's glory is cool?"

A city is dying with Zhang Manlin’s hair, and a slap in the face.

Suddenly, Zhang Manlin’s face was swollen and tall...

"Acheng brother, listen to me explain it, I am not going to sell it."

When Zhang Manlin’s words were not finished, she saw two men in black suits running.

Pulling Acheng directly, then going up is a punch.

Fortunately, there are two sons in Acheng, and dodge quickly.

Then, he watched the two men who were alert.

"Miss Zhang, are you okay? We are sent by Qin to protect you secretly." Two bodyguards hurriedly helped Zhang Manlin.

Zhang Manlin suddenly pale... can't speak.

"Sure enough... I also said that you did not sell the boss, Zhang **** you give me waiting."

A city looked angry and pointed to Zhang Manlin and turned and left.

Huo Jia Mansion

"Boss, I am talking about the truth, Zhang **** really betrayed you ... and Qin Chu also arranged for her to protect the bodyguards secretly, she can now be expensive." Acheng said.

Huo Siqian just quietly drinking tea, silent.

"It seems that Qin Chu is not unusual for her. She was originally like Miss Huo. Plus this time, I have saved your twins against your orders and pretend to be good I am steadfast."

"Qin Chu will not like her, the reason for her, may also be to see her in the rescue of children." Huo Siqian analysis.

Huo Siqian also thought that the child was saved by Zhang Manlin, but his heart was uncomfortable. His people waited for so long in Qinghe Town and finally fled.

"In any case, it is a fact that she betrayed us. Boss, this woman can't stay."

Huo Siqian does not speak...

"Boss, you talk, as long as you say a word, I immediately smashed her corpse," Acheng said.

"Don't, it's a pity that the corpse is broken.... But I have been working for five years." Huo Siqian smiled.

"The boss means...."

"How can a woman who betrayed me be so comfortable to die directly?"

Horsham raised his mouth in a strange way...

In a high-end clubhouse in C City, a group of rich second-generation drinkers, Tang Chuan and Shen Mingxi.

"Achuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, have a drink." Shen Mingxi came to attend a birthday party for a rich second generation.

I didn't expect to meet Tang Chuan here, so in order to avoid embarrassment, he took the initiative to bring a glass of wine and say hello.

"I heard that Huo Wei is contacting a lawyer himself... to help her mother appeal, how do you think about it, Shen brother." Tang Chuan smiled with a glass of wine.

PS: Baby, before the 2809, 2810 two chapters were repeated, the pigs saw it, so they changed immediately. The baby who bought the chapter can go back to see the new content, and will not buckle the book currency again. The pig is sorry to say it here.

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