My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2816: Weird wedding (fourteen)

"Su are back." Nie Lingxiao smiled sweetly.

"Amount... How are you here?"

"I recorded an interview in the evening, and then it was very close to you... The person who listened to the company said that your mental condition is not very good recently. I guess you are too busy at work recently, tired, so I have stewed some bones for you. Soup, there is a secret recipe that my mother personally blends. It’s very good.”

"But I have finished eating up late." Su Yu said straightforwardly.

"Ah, this way, you can put it in the refrigerator, and when you want to eat it, it won't break."

"Well, thank you."

\'Su Yu is not too much of Nie Lingying's face, so it is the company's most popular artist.

"You are welcome, as an employee, care about what Su should always be. You are also tired for us. Recently, there are many things in the company, and you have a bad rest. We are quite guilty, so I am here to see you on your behalf. There really is no other meaning."

Nie Ling is a very self-aware person, will not confess with Su Yu, or make Su Yu difficult.

"Amount... OK, I know, inside, very late, let Xiaoan send you back."

"It's me again..." Xiao An, who is hard-pressed, is also very sleepy. Seeing that Su has always sent him to Nie Lingwei, he is quite reluctant.

"No, my nanny car is parked there. I can see you always give soup to you. You must remember to drink."

"Good." Su Yu machinery nodded.

"Then I will go first, and Su will take care of his body."

"Amount, good." Su Yu feels the atmosphere is strange.

After Nie Ling’s departure, Su Yu looked back at Xiao’an. “Why are you still doing something there, don’t go home, have to spend the night at my house?”

"No, I am not looking at you for a while, is there any task for me? After all, there are quite a few female artists who knock at your door in the middle of the night."

"Haha, you are looking for a mole, isn't it, go back to sleep." Su Yu couldn't help but laugh.

This stalk was still a long time ago, when the Star Emperor drafted, I wanted to create a new group of people.

Then many girls from the art academy want to take shortcuts in order to get through the night.

I don't know where to find the address of Su Yu, and I am waiting here.

Some directly wear very leaks, and some pockets contain more than 100,000 in cash.

Some are more funny, carrying two baskets of stupid eggs, is this the rhythm of gift giving?

There is also one of the most outrageous, directly rushing out to stop Su Yu's car, almost killed.

It was slightly injured when he was sent to the hospital in time, but he was disqualified by Su Yu.

These little girls, for the sake of their future, really excuse me...

Su Yu actually wants to take a look at what kind of girl was Huo Jin?

Hung Mian in his teens, Huo Mian in his early twenties, what kind of girl is that?

She is never the most dazzling in the crowd, but it always gives people a very complicated feeling, just like they have seen before.

Su Yu is sometimes thinking, is it that the past life and Huo Mian are husband and wife, and then disappointing her.

So in this life, people come to take revenge, and used to kill her in the past?

Thinking of this, Su Yu sighed and put the bone soup in the refrigerator.

Then take out the mobile phone to brush WeChat friends circle...

Just saw Huo Mian drying a picture.

It is a bowl of beef ramen, topped with green cilantro.

Through the screen, Su Yu smelled the fragrance.

Then, he owed the following comments to others -

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