My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2823: Just kill yourself like this (1)

"I used to think that this woman hasn't been stupid enough to get found...but that's it." Huo Siqian commented.

"I have long felt that she is not reliable. Seeing Qin Chu’s eyes is like the flower idiot. Where can I still care for you?" Acheng was angry.

"It seems that I have cultivated it in more than five years... but it is a rice bucket." Huo Siqian laughed.

Qin Chu’s office has a monitor, so... Zhang Manlin’s remarks to Qin Chu’s honesty, Huo Siqian’s clear voice.

Acheng also heard clearly, Acheng has been so angry that he wants to get the slaughter.

The child adopted by Acheng is just the orphan of the couple who died after drunk driving a few years ago, where is the illegitimate daughter.

Only he is now working with Huo Siqian, and he is more drifting, so he does not have a stable home to stay in the orphanage.

I went to visit once a month, the child was still young, and I didn’t know anything, but I was accidentally aware of this secret by Zhang Manlin.

It became a trick for her to offer her charm to Qin Chu. It really makes people feel sick.

Acheng’s adoption of the child did not specifically say to Huo Siqian, but he did not take advantage of the boss. The main thing was that Huo Siqian did not ask.

"Boss, I think... even if you can't kill her directly, give her a little color to look at it... You cultivated her for five years. She turned her back and didn't recognize the owner. In Qinchu, she said our warehouse. Position, do not say anything, but also want Qin Chu to kill us... This woman can see how unconscion."

"Yeah, five years, not a short time, even if you raise a dog will not give up the owner?" Huo Siqian said.

"So, please ask the boss for approval."

"Go, do a little bit of profit... but don't let her die, it will be too comfortable to die, I don't want her to be so comfortable."

"Yes, boss, I can rest assured that I am doing things."

Seeing that Huo Siqian agreed to give an order, Acheng is also gearing up, and finally can clean up Zhang Hao.

Southern District Sanatorium

Huo Mian opened for a morning meeting and was dizzy. Since she was pregnant with a second baby, she was particularly tired.

From time to time, I still feel weak and dizzy.

However, it is true that President Wu does not come very much. The big things here are all handled by Huo Mian.

It is not easy to manage such a large hospital. Humble is also a Virgo workaholic.

Very strong, I always wanted to live up to the trust of the Dean, and always wanted to do better.

The Southern District has been judged by the National Excellent Sanatorium for three consecutive years. As the reputation grows, the number of patients is increasing. The workload of Huo Mian has also increased a lot.

"Associate Dean, someone is looking for you." A little nurse ran up and sue.

"where is it?"

"There is a consultation hall on the first floor."

"Okay, let me see."

Huo Mian is wearing a white coat and holding a book for the house to be used for ward rounds. The young face is always calm and calm.

Who would not have imagined that such a young woman is actually the vice president of the Southern District, and has long been famous in the medical profession.

"Su Mama?" Seeing Su Yu's mother, Huo Mian was warm.

Recently, work is also busy, most of them are Su Yu to take the twins to go to the Su family to eat.

The number of times he and Qin Chu have gone is getting less and less.

"Small sleep, I didn't delay your work?" Mrs. Su smiled warmly.

"No, Miss Su, you go upstairs with me to sit and go, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss you." Huo Mian did not have a must, and took the initiative to look at Mrs. Su's arm and go upstairs.

"Did you see? The lady is Su Shao's mother? Is it really beautiful?" Several little nurses whispered behind them.

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