My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2829: Just kill yourself like this (7)

"Amount, okay, I am in the restaurant of the hospital, have you eaten, are you going to eat?"

"Yes, wait for me, come right away."

After Su Yu sent the information, it was not long before the car was parked and went straight upstairs.

Su Yu's black Rambo is extremely show off. Many small nurses know that it is Su Shao's car.

Since Su Yu likes to go to sleep, these years, the Southern District is almost flattened by him.

"Wow, Su Shao is coming."

"I am really handsome. I really don't know how the female artists of the Star Emperor have a good eye, and they are facing such a seductive BOSS all day long."

"Don't ask, Su Shao is definitely coming to our vice president."

"Yes, yes, I admire the deputy dean who can be friends with Su Shao."

The little nurses made a fuss on the first floor and talked about it.

There are even some, even more owed, they will go directly and take the initiative to inform, "Su Shao, our vice president is in the canteen of the hospital."

"I know." Su Yu smiled and nodded and continued on.

The restaurant in the hospital starts at eleven o'clock and lasts for two hours.

Many medical staff, hospital staff are here to eat, and sometimes, patients will also buy recharge cards to eat here.

Huo Mian is basically the last wave, because people want to be less, and there is no place to stand and no place to sit.

Although there were not many people, Su Yu was still a sensation when he came in.

Su Yu likes to wear Versace casual, and likes plain, white, and so clean colors.

White short-sleeved, beige casual pants, the key to Rambo in the hand, and a black 7P black mobile phone, is the standard of Gao Fushuai.

"This side..." Huo Mian raised his hand and said to Su Yu.

Su Yu went straight and said, "What do you do today?"

"A dozen dishes, what do you want to eat?" Huo Mian asked.

Su Yu glanced at the dinner plate.

"Fried pork with fungus, cardamom yellow croaker, fried broccoli, burned pork ribs, yes, I will eat yours."

After that, Su Yu will come over to Huo Mian’s plate.

"Hey, I have eaten that..." Huo Mian said, do you not want to abandon me dirty?

"Afraid of what, you have no bird flu..." Su Yu swept Huo Mian and retorted.

"Okay... Ha, you are a rogue, and even your mouth is so powerful."

Huo Mian smiled helplessly, got up and went back to the card to get a copy of it.

By the way, I still have a lot of rice, because I know that Su Yu’s food is very large.

"How, is there improvement?" asked Huo Mian.

"Well, delicious... good." Su Yu praised again and again.

"Right, inside... Are you busy with the company lately?"

"Busy, did the pudding pudding not tell you? Our company signed a Qing Dynasty Gongdou drama... In addition to the company's artists, I also invited several popular idol stars to join, making a huge, I recently I have been running this thing, yes, I also invited puddings and peas to be a guest."

"Amount, what can they bother?" Huo Mian was shocked.

"You can play the little character of a certain palace."

"I haven't heard of the Qing Dynasty which Wangye's family are twins..." Huo Mian had read a lot of books, read the historical records, vaguely remembered, and rarely wrote about the twins.

"What does it matter? If there is really nothing, the audience will not care. The TV series will be wonderful."

"Then you are not tampering with history?" Huo Mian argued.

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