My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2841: The night before dawn (ten)

"Miss Zhang, are you asleep?"

"Oh...." Zhang Manlin was pouting and couldn't speak, shaking her head in a hurry.

"Well, today is your life... I will come to you..." After that, Jack smiled coldly, opened the window, and turned it out from the sixth floor with the wire props on his body.

It’s just as light as a swallow...

"Help!..." After Jack left, Maggie Cheung reacted and shouted.

When the people outside the door heard it, they immediately rushed in...

It turned out to be the small security Zhang Shubao, the first man who slept Zhang Manlin.

He has been thinking about it since he knew that Maggie Cheung was hospitalized, but he has been on duty recently.

It’s hard to get off work early today, or in the middle of the night, he can’t sleep, think about it, buy some fruit and plan to see it.

If Zhang Manlin is asleep, he puts things down and just leaves, just didn't expect...

Actually, he was saved by Zhang Manlin.

"Miss Zhang, what's wrong with you?" After Zhang Shubao came in, he grabbed the scared Zhang Manlin.

"Fast... help me to call the police, someone will kill me."

"Who wants to kill you, you slowly say."

"Huo Siqian, Huo Siqian wants to kill me... You can help me to call the police, you call the police..."

Zhang Manlin grabbed Zhang Shubao's collar and shook it desperately. Like the mental illness, she gave the police an alarm.

"Well, don't be excited, I will help you with the police."

Zhang Shubao did not dare to ask, immediately took out his mobile phone and helped Zhang Manlin call 110.

The police are also very efficient, and in less than ten minutes, they came to the police station of the two recent police stations.

"Who did you report the police just now?" the police asked.

"I, I am the police." Zhang Manlin covered the quilt of the hospital, the hair was distributed, and the gauze on his face had not been removed.

"Why do you call the police?" The police took the pen and prepared to make a transcript.

"Comrade comrades, someone wants to kill me, you will catch him soon, he almost killed me..." Zhang Manlin said excitedly.

"You don't worry, slowly say, name, age, home address, work unit, you tell us your information first."

"Miss Zhang, don't worry, you slowly tell the police."

"Yes, police comrades, I have to call the police, this man ** me ... in the cellar, ** I three times ...." Zhang Manlin did not know what happened to the brain, pointing directly to Zhang Shubao.

"I..." Zhang Shubao did not think that Zhang Manlin had a bite at this time, so it was speechless.

Two policemen, look at me, I look at you.

"You two...what relationship, so late, why are you here?" the police asked Zhang Shubao.

"We are... friends, and they all work in the GK Group. Miss Zhang has been hospitalized recently. I just came to see her after the night shift."

"I don't know you, you lie, you ** me, you are not a good person, you are a bastard."

After that, Zhang Manlin grabbed a policeman's arm and said excitedly, "The police noticed that someone had just sneaked into my ward and wanted to kill me."

"Don't worry, slowly, who is going to kill you?"

"Huo Siqian, it’s Huo Xiqian."

"Holshqin? Which Huo Siqian?" The police gave a slight glimpse.

"That is the big man with a head and face. Do you know Huo Siqian?" Zhang Manlin asked.

"Isn't that the boss of the Holmes group?" one of the little policemen asked.

"Huo is not the mayor of Yan Mayor, I am getting married soon... I have to get married in a few days. Are you bullshit?" Another policeman stared at Zhang Manlin incredibly, only that she was a neuropathy.

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