My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2843: Love the wrong person, remember to let go (2)

"That... it can only be like this."

The two small policemen are also afraid that this woman will find the media to go to the scene. When the time is given to the police station, it will definitely be subject to punishment.

So a small policeman appeased Zhang Manlin in the ward, and the other went out to call the director to report the incident.

Finally, the director of the police station came forward and called Gao Ran in a low voice.

Gao Ran also risked his life to call Qin Chu...

This matter is finally a response.

Half an hour later, the little policeman returned to the ward.

"Xiao Li, how do you say that?"

The little policeman glanced at Zhang Manlin and said, "Qin always said that the two men were not doing the work of their company, but it is not clear what the lady said. What happened to Huo Siqian’s insider, Qin Zong and Huo Siqian I am too familiar with Miss Zhang’s words."

"What? How is it possible? Qin Chu he... actually said this?" Zhang Manlin was stupid on the spot.

"Right, Qin always said..."

“What else?” asked another little policeman.

"Qin always said that this lady and this security guard may be in a relationship of love. It is not what she said in her mouth. According to the reaction of the company, Miss Zhang is a bit emotional. I suggest that we send it to the psychiatric center. Do the test."

"Qin Chu... I hate you..." Zhang Manlin’s last hope was also shattered.

Qin Chu will not protect her anymore, but it will simply be a stone...

"There is one more thing, we also verified..." Xiao Li said.

"what's up?"

"Miss Zhang said tonight that Huo will kill him and come to her room to marry him. During that time, Huo has a time witness at the end... just reporters, the head of Huo and the Angel Charity, Cui Zhenwu Mr. is drinking tea at Hilton and staying up late, so... people have time to witness, and they have never been here. This Miss Zhang is a nonsense."

After that, the little policeman looked at Zhang Manlin with contempt.

I feel that I and my colleagues have been tossed by a madman for so long...

He was also given a **** head by the director.

"How can this be, no, you don't believe them, they are united to act, I saw it with my own eyes." Zhang Manlin corrected.

"Miss Zhang, please pay attention to your words, you are a small people, no identity and status, a few big people as for acting for you? And I think you are not only mentally ill, you still have murder paranoia, let's go, We have been working, it is unlucky, I was deceived by mental illness in the middle of the night, and I was stung by the director."

After that, the two little policemen turned and left.

"Don't go... you listen to me &...." Zhang Manlin still wants to make the final struggle.

"Zhang Manlin, you are so good, actually told the police that I am ** you, and also self-directed that he was almost killed by others, you woman... really bad spirit."

At this time, even Zhang Shubao must despise Zhang Manlin.

"What do you know about this bandit, what is complicated inside?" Zhang Manlin muttered.

"In the complex, there is no complicated heart... I am wondering, you are also a rural origin, how can there be so many eyes... I will pull this one all day... You don’t look at what you are, those big people Will care about you, Huo, or Qin, is that you can get enough people?" Zhang Shubao could not afford to ask.

"I will take revenge, I will not let them go, I want to kill them all..." Zhang Manlin sitting in a hospital bed collapsed.

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