My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2857: How much is your heart like this? (six)

"You are less here to teach me, you are an enemy for me now, I will not listen to you."

"I didn't let you listen to me. I just want to say that you are a mother, don't think about it for the future, but you are always arrogant. How stupid are you?"

"Yeah, I am stupid to believe in you. I was really stupid when I risked saving your child to come out to me."

"Please, who is the one who grabbed them, isn't it Huo Shiyi? Are you thinking about the root cause?"

Huo Mian felt that his own thinking and Huo Wei’s thinking were not at a certain frequency, and even communication had great obstacles.

"I don't care, in short... my mother is dead, and I won't make you better."

"Okay, let's put the horse over, from small to big, I have never been afraid of you... I am just sorry, why Shen Mingxi would like a woman like you, you not only ruined his happiness, but also ruined him personally. Happiness... Now the society is so realistic, can not care about your divorce and the status of a child, there are not many men who are so good to your mother and daughter, but unfortunately you... I personally ruined it all."

"My own things don't want you to comment, you shut me up, what do you think of you?"

"I won't say it again. For me, you are already an irrelevant person. If you want to deal with me, come on... I have never been afraid."

As a pregnant woman, Huo Mian is not very stable, so on Weibo, you have a sentence with Huo Wei.

Although it is typed, the mood swing is still quite big...

At the end of Huo Mianqi, directly exit Weibo, shut down and sleep, and start taking vacation tomorrow.

After Huo Wei left his mobile phone in the bag, he continued to drink spirits and take a cup.

Finally, she stumbled on the table... the headache was splitting.

"Hey? This seems to be... the little wife that Shen Mingxi had raised before...." Someone recognized her.

"Yeah, I have seen her several times, and they are all with Shen Gongzi, but I heard that they seem to have broken up recently."

"Is it? Is it because of the case?"

"Well, it should be, but this woman gave birth to a child, and her body is still so good, it is rare... Ha."

Several men talked about each other, and eventually they all left...

Then, next to the embarrassing ones who talked to them, they walked over and talked, "Hey, beautiful, do you want a drink?"

"Okay, have a drink...fill me." Huo Wei stumbled holding the glass.

The man opened a bottle of wine and continued to fill him up...

Finally, Huo Wei was held by a man and left the nightclub.

Inside a hotel

The man carefully took off Huo's clothes and took pictures of her...

And then……

When these photos were mailed to the office of Shen Mingxi the next day, it was already extremely unsightly.

Shen Mingxi’s face was blue.

At this time, his mobile phone rang...


"Shen, do you see those photos?"

"who are you?"

"Don't care who I am, I just want to say, the photos you took with me and my last night, I can't see it... If you see the newspaper, I guess you have no face on it? After all, the taste of green is not very good."

"What do you want?"

"Simple, five million... I will call you all at once, and I will give you all the negatives." The man smirked with a voice changer.

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