My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2859: How much is your heart like this? (Eight)

"Uncle Shen, I am sweet."

"Sweet..." Hearing the child's tender voice, Shen Mingxi was soft.

"Uncle Shen, do you know where Mommy is?"

Shen Mingxi just remembered that Huo Wei was mixed with a strange man last night and was photographed. He was definitely not at home.

"Uncle doesn't know, what's wrong?"

"I called her, couldn't get through, shut down... I was so hungry, I didn't eat in the morning, and no one sent me to school."

"Are you alone at home?" Shen Mingxi asked distressedly.


“What about the aunts at home?” Shen Mingxi remembers that there had always been a babysitter at home to take care of their mother and daughter.

"Auntie has been driven away by Mommy... Mommy has a very bad mood recently, always temper tantrums... sweet and scared."

"Sweet, wait at home, don't run around, uncle pick you up."

"Well, my aunt, uncle, you have to come soon."

Shen Mingxi took the call and called Huo Wei once again, and she turned off.

"This woman is really crazy... Does her child care?" Shen Mingxi angered and hurried downstairs.

Huo's home

Shen Mingxi saw Huo Wei’s daughter sweet, the little girl draped her hair, sat on the sofa and ate the remaining half-bag biscuits.

It’s so embarrassing, it’s so sad to watch...

"Shu Shushu."

Seeing Shen Mingxi coming in, sweet flies past. Hold the thigh of Shen Mingxi.

"How do you eat these?" Shen Mingxi frowned slightly.

"There is only this at home, sweet and hungry."

"Don't eat, go, uncle takes you out to eat delicious."


The little girl is very happy.

Shen Mingxi drove to the styling studio with sweetness, and made a beautiful little scorpion for the children.

Then he took it to the mall and bought two sets of pro-clothes. After the change, Shen Mingxi asked her. "What sweet do you want to eat?"

"Can you go to Pizza Hut? Uncle, I seem to eat chicken wings."


Looking at the child's small request, Shen Mingxi drove directly to the Pizza Hut gate in the city center.

Go in with sweetness and then order a table.

"Sweet, your mother... I don't come back lately?"

"Well." The little girl nodded.

"Then how come you come back from school?"

"Still in the kindergarten, wait for Mommy to pick up, but she is very late to go, once again, did not go all night, the teacher took me to the teacher's house."

The little girl said as she licked the chicken wings.

In addition to sadness, Shen Mingxi is distressed...

Such a small child, just followed by Huo Wei.

This is a typical life.

"Uncle Shen, I want to go to a place this weekend..."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go to the pudding and the pudding sister to play. I haven't seen them for a long time, and I have aunt Huo, she is very good to me. Every time I go to her house, I will give us a cake to eat and ice cream." ”

Shen Mingxi is in silence...

In today's situation, sweetness is definitely no way to go to Nanshan Castle.

Certainly will not be seen.

"The two sisters are not necessarily free. Waiting for the weekend, will your uncle take you to the aquarium?" Shen Mingxi stared at her.

"Okay, okay, I like dolphins." The little girl is so good.

Huo Wei wandered outside... When he returned home, he found that the child was gone, and did not call the kindergarten.

This is panic...

Almost to go to the police, she remembered to adjust the monitoring records of the community, she saw a sigh of relief after seeing Shen Mingxi take her daughter.

Later, Huo Hao dialed the number of Shen Mingxi.


"Where did you take my daughter?" Her tone was questioning and accusing.

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