My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2861: How much is your heart like this? (ten)

Twenty minutes later, a circle of friends smashed the circle of Su Yu.

——Emergency news, Shen Shao was in a car accident at Sanjiang intersection. He was rescued in the emergency room of the First Hospital. He urgently needed RH-negative panda blood to save his life. The buddy was rushing to save people. I am grateful. Please help us forward. Shen Jiazhongjin pandas blood.

At this time, Tang Chuan was in the Su Yu Villa, swimming with him, and the two were wearing deep blue swimming trunks.

The muscles of the upper body are at a glance...

After coming out of the water, the two men lay directly in the chair and rested, drinking cold beer, extremely free and easy.

Tang Chuan is a mobile phone controller, so as long as you have time, you will brush your mobile phone to watch the news and watch the circle of friends...

"The trough is lying down... something went wrong."

"What is it, what a fuss?" Su Yugang's swimming consumes a lot of physical strength, closes his eyes and is too lazy to talk.

"Shen Mingxi was in a car accident."

"What do you say...?" Su Yu opened his eyes and sat up on the stool.

"It's true, Xiaowei, they are all forwarding, such a big thing can't be fake, you wait, I ask."

After that, Tang Chuan immediately dialed a buddy's number and checked it.

After talking in a few words and two words, Tang Chuan looked dignified.

"It's true, something went wrong."

"What about people?"

"Rescue in the first hospital, it is said that it was hit at the intersection of Sanjiang Road. It should be quite serious. Now life and death are not clear... But the fate is the need for RH-negative panda blood. This blood type is too abnormal, and there is not much in the country... I will do it, the stock in the first hospital is in a hurry... If it is not available, there may be danger to life, no, I will forward it."

Tang Chuan is busy copying content and then forwarding it in the circle of friends...

Su Yu immediately took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to Huo Mian.

"Small sleep."

"What instructions, Su Zong?" Huo Mian is watching cartoons with his twins at home, and has not paid attention to this news.

"I ask you, do you have panda blood in the southern area?"

"Panda blood?"

"Yes, that's what you are, HK is negative." Su Yu is also forced.

"Is RH negative?" Huo Mian corrected.

"Right right, that is what RH is negative, do you have it in the Southern District?"

"What do you want?" Huo Mian ate sweet orange and asked curiously.

"Shen Mingxi just got out of a car accident and was rescued in the first hospital. This blood type is urgently needed."

"What? Shen Mingxi had a car accident?" This time, Huo Mian was also surprised.


"Oops, the South District is gone, there are some stocks, but the day before yesterday there was a little girl who had a congenital heart transplant. The operation was used up... This blood type hospital is not in stock, there is no hospital in the country. I dare to pick up the goods... so I can only rely on everyone to donate, and quickly contact the TV media to call on everyone to donate."

"Okay, then I know."

Hanging up the phone, Su Yu immediately walked toward the villa.

"Why are you going, Su Ye."

"I went to the hospital to see him."

"Then we are not the panda blood, but I am also anxious to go." Tang Chuan frowned.

"That's also a good look. It's better to stay here than to stay here."

Subsequently, Su Yu opened the black Lamborghini and took Tang Chuan to the first hospital.

Outside the emergency room, in addition to the Shen family, there are some buddies of Shen Mingxi.

A small corridor filled with dozens of people.

"Su Ye is coming..." The crowd did not know who shouted, everyone looked at it.

"Su total, are you a panda blood?" Shen family thought that Su Yu was coming to donate blood, and quickly rushed to grab Su Yu's arm and asked.

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