My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2871: Second marriage is so high-profile (10)

"The driver on the opposite side is fine, but I have suffered some minor injuries. You are the most serious, silly boy, almost..."

Said here, Mrs. Shen cried again, took out the small handcuffs in the bag, and wiped her tears.

"Mom, don't you cry... I am... isn't it okay?"

"Do you know how dangerous the situation is? When you were a child, your mother wouldn't tell you, don't let yourself get hurt, cross the road and be careful. When you grow up, tell you to drive carefully, because your blood type is special... so it's very troublesome, you know that you Lost 600CC of blood?"

"Wow, 600, it’s quite a lot, it looks really serious." Shen Mingxi smiled.

"You still laugh? If you have something, how can I live with your father..." Mrs. Shen was afraid, but now she knows that her son is fine.

But when I first thought of this news, my legs were scared, and I was scared.

"I know, sorry, Mom... I worry about you and Dad."

Since breaking up with Huo Wei, Shen Mingxi has returned to the big house to live, and the relationship with his parents has improved a lot.

In fact, Shen Mingxi had a good relationship with his family, if not for Huo Wei.

The son of Shen’s family, from small to large, is the kind of obedient and discerning.

I did not expect that, for a hustle and bustle, the troubled chickens and dogs were restless.

However, even if parents are angry, they will not really hate their sons. After all, they are born.

Therefore, Shen Jia Er Lao quickly forgave his son, and intends to let him continue to return to the group headquarters.

I didn’t expect it to happen for a few days...

"Mom... How long have I been in a coma?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"For a few hours, from your accident to surgery, it should be more than a dozen hours now."

"Fortunately not a few days and nights?" Shen Mingxi laughed.

"You still laugh, we have to be scared to death by you..."

"Mom, did anyone come to see me?" Shen Mingxi asked softly.


“Whoever has been there?” Shen Mingxi asked.

"Su Yu, Tang Chuan, Sun Jiaqi, Jiang Daxin, they, your buddies, almost arrived, and there were dozens of people in the corridor."

"Su Ye, are they also coming?" Shen Mingxi had some accidents.

"Well, Su Yu is very upset, has been calling to help you contact the blood, as if he has a good relationship with the vice president of the Southern District?"

"Yes, they are very good friends." Shen Mingxi knows the vice president of the mother's mouth. It must be that Huo Mian is not wrong.

"Well, it’s a pity that there is no such thing as the Southern District. So my mother is going to die. Our family has a lot of rewards. I hope that the public will voluntarily donate blood, but at the time you were in a hurry, and in the middle of the night, many people couldn’t catch up." Shen The description of the lady's words.

"So, how did it happen later?" Shen Mingxi asked.

"You may not imagine who is giving you blood..." Mrs. Shen said here, looking at her son with a complicated look.

"who is it?"

"It’s Xiaoying."

"Wei Ying?" Shen Mingxi was surprised.

"Well, she was afraid that it was not enough. She also brought back a friend who was also a panda blood. At that time, they were in the hot springs in the outer county. After hearing about your business, Xiaoying’s child was driving all the way and risking his life. The most important thing is...the two girls donated blood 200 each, which was not enough. At that time, the situation was very anxious. In the end, Xiaoying persuaded the doctor, and she forced herself to donate 200 more. After donating blood, she was directly unconscious. wake……."

Mrs. Shen’s guilty words...

After Shen Mingxi listened to it, it was an abnormal silence.

"Son, we are sorry for the Wei family, and I am sorry Xiaoying..." Finally, Mrs. Shen said profoundly.

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