My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2875: The trap behind the wedding (4)

"Yeah, after breaking up, knowing that you have not done well, I am relieved."

"How can you be so vicious?" Shen Mingxi sighed.

"I am so vicious, don't you know? Oh, yes, I used to be very gentle. You are so stupid, just thinking about the lower body. At that time, you only thought about me, how can you see me really? What is the purpose?"

"Enough, don't say it again." Shen Mingxi only felt that her voice would collapse now.

Once upon a time, how much he guarded this woman.

For her, she is even willing to betray the world.

It is as if Qin Chu is like Huo Mian.

It’s a pity that he lost a defeat...

Because Huo Mian is worthy of Qin Chu doing anything for her, and Huo Wei is simply not worth it.

Su Yu said that it is too good for him to deceive, to be able to take the woman's way.

"Of course, I haven't said enough. You have a big life. It's okay to crash. I heard that the person who gave you a blood transfusion is Wei Ying?"

"What about that, what do you want to say?" Shen Mingxi asked coldly.

"Congratulations, your ex-wife is back. Just like the dog who lost his family, as long as you look back, she is still waiting in place. I don't care about your betrayal and injury. Hey, this woman is more suitable for you, I will No, if I am Wei Ying, I can't stand it. After all, you are divorcing for me, and I have been sleeping with me for so long, but since Wei Ying doesn't give up, it would be good to say..."

"Huo Wei, look at your own face, a bitter shrewd woman who is alive and kicking." Shen Mingxi is patient.

The first time I say such a heavy word is simply more uncomfortable than direct swearing.

If a man who once loved you, one day with a bitter, shrewd words to describe you.

So whether you break up or not, your heart must be very uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I am a shrew..." Huo was deliberately angry with him.

"If you just teased me and mocked me, then you did it..."

"No, this is not enough. I just want to say that you are so wise and wise, but this is the case. I am playing with a woman who is divorced with a child. You and your ex-wife are together. IQ is not as good as me. One."

"Yes, the world is the smartest of you." Shen Mingxi sneered.

"Shen Mingxi, I hate you..." Huo's mood is extremely unstable.

When I said this, the voice was a little trembling...

But Shen Mingxi has no intention to listen.

"Hate it, hate it, love it, it has nothing to do with me..."

After saying this, Shen Mingxi hangs up directly...

After hearing the drip from the phone, Huo Wei only felt a heart cold.

Then she squatted on the steering wheel and burst into tears...

The words just mentioned are not her true words. She still loves the man in her heart.

But she also knows clearly that between them... can't go back.

In particular, I heard that when Wei Ying gave up her blood to save Shen Mingxi, she even envied her hatred, and she was going to die, to be crazy...

Therefore, I can only say those words to stimulate Shen Mingxi, hoping to alleviate my guilty feelings.

But only she knows in her own heart that she doesn't think so, then the words are not true...

But what about that?

Hanging on Huo's phone, Shen Mingxi found that his heart was not so painful.

In this car accident, he was sober-conscious, and his thoughts on Huo Wei were not as strong as they thought.

He took out his mobile phone and turned it over at random. He even saw Wei Ying’s number flashing over...

Then he turned back again and deliberately transferred it out...

Carefully confirmed, it is indeed Wei Ying's number, it should be the mother who helped him pull out from the blacklist.

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