My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2879: The trap behind the wedding (eight)

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"So why are you so nervous?"

A few girls, surrounded by Wei Ying, a question.

"Oh, I said it. After all, I grew up together. I can’t watch him have something... I can’t stand it anymore. Although my temper is a little worse, my heart is not so vicious?” Wei Ying herself Explanation.

"It’s guilty, look at your face is red....,"

"Don't swear, how? I am hot..." Wei Ying put her hands on her cheeks.

"Ying Ying, I am not pouring cold water on you. I think you are still far from Shen Mingxi. I don’t want to eat the grass, and it was the people who yelled at you. You can’t report this hatred, don’t die in a trap. Twice, how stupid..." A girlfriend advised.

"Yeah, Yingying, I can hear that Shen Shao recently broke up with the shameless fox... In case you take your back, how miserable..."

"Forget it, don't say them, ha... I really just saved him by the way...not as complicated as you think. Come and come, let's have coffee, and study the things that go shopping in Hong Kong in a few days. ...."

Wei Ying is not willing to say more about Shen Mingxi's affairs, so she deliberately opened the topic.

A few girls are also well aware, and no one will mention it.

However, it is a narrow road to the home...

Huo Wei and a girl also met today to go shopping, tired of drinking coffee here.

I don’t know if this is a friend of Wei Ying.

So when Huo Wei walked in, Wei Ying, a friend saw it, immediately whispered, "Ying Ying, look over there..."

Wei Ying turned back and saw Huo Wei, a slight glimpse.

Huo Wei wore a black dress on the top and a red dress below. It is a big name, and a famous actress is the same model. It is said to be more than ten thousand.

She can live this life now, completely because of Shen Mingxi's favor to her, everyone knows this.

"Nana, what do you say to your friends, is there any hope for my mother?" Huo Wei asked with a low head.

"Hey, it’s not good to say that your mom is dead, even if you don’t have a thigh, why don’t you find someone in the public security department? I’m afraid I can’t find out what the result is. I don’t even say that. Is the driver drunk and tired driving?"

"I don't believe it, it must be Qin Chu or Su Yugan... Huo Mian also knows that they are the murderer who killed my mother." Huo Huo bitten.

"Even if I know, it is not easy to do now. If you ask me, I will ask, no one dares to help."

"I will add another one million." Huo Wei said.

"It's not a question of money. You know, they are afraid of offending Qin Chu and Su Yu... In my opinion, you don't want to toss, take the money that Shen Shao gave you, and let the children stop to live. Or go abroad and start living again, why bother?"

The two of them were chatting, and Wei Ying came over with a girlfriend.

"The professional junior is not welcome here, so I will roll quickly."

Huo Wei turned his head and saw the girl in front of him. He also looked at Wei Ying, who could not see the distance, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Oh, I thought who it was... It turned out to be the girlfriend of a wealthy woman. I lost my hand, but dare to come to me?" Huo Zhang stood up.

"Who do you say, your hand will be defeated? You are a deadly little boy..." The woman is holding Wei Ying.

"Why, isn't that what I said? I heard that someone didn't count the suspicions last night, shamelessly ran to donate blood... It's so heroic, how? Shen Mingxi looked at your diligence, didn't praise you? Didn't you be lucky enough once?" Huo Wei looked at Wei Ying viciously.

Wei Ying listened to her face and sank...

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