My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2882: The trap behind the wedding (11)

"What happened to Yan Ruoxi's wedding dress? Is there any problem?"

Qin Chu knew that Huo Mian had always been careful, so he did not let go of this tiny detail.

"That wedding dress...some familiar..."

"Have you seen it? Which luxury brand is specially customized?" Qin Chu asked.

"No, no, I just feel very familiar, but I can't say it, I have seen it... I forgot, wait for me to think about it."

Huo Mian does not know why he is pregnant again, or what.

Memory is not so clear, but she can be sure that she has definitely seen this wedding dress.

Because it is different from ordinary wedding dresses, Yan Ruoxi’s wedding dress has no mopping and tailing.

Just like the skirt of an evening dress, it falls vertically under the feet.

Then it was covered with a layer of white sand, and the waist was tightened with a bow on each side.

In the middle of the bow is a black diamond. This design has a big finishing touch and looks very tall.

The veil is also very special, only covering half of the face.

And it's a semi-circle, like the hats that some female stars in Hollywood in the United States like to wear in the 1990s.

Audrey Hepburn, there is a most classic photo, the kind of very famous lady is this style.

This wedding dress, Huo Mian is very familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it...

Huo Siqian always smiles, and Yan Ruoxi is laughing, just...

"Husband, look at Yan Ruo..."

Huomian reminded Qin Chu.

"I saw."

"What did you find wrong?"

"The strict smile is more ugly than crying." Qin Chu calmly analyzed.

Huo Mian nodded lightly. "Yes, it looks like she is not very happy. But it shouldn't be. Miss Yan has been dying of Huo Siqian. Unlike Song Yishi, Song Yishi was forced to be Huo Siqian. After calculating, I got married, but Yan Ruoyi is different. The whole world knows that she is so obsessed with Huo Siqian for several years. Now she is married and should be happy."

"So, there must be something wrong with this, there is a conspiracy." Qin Chu said.

"Well, in short, we have to be careful, maybe Horsham will be there tonight... there will be big moves."

Huo Mian also felt that tonight was destined to be an unusual night, even the wedding style was so strange.

"Hey, my little sleepy sister..." Huo Siqian saw the moment of Huo Mian, and even the smile became gentle.

Huo Mian didn't talk, just holding Qin Chu's hand tightly...

"Congratulations, Huo."

Qin Chu handed the red envelope and symbolically said a blessing.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin."

Huo Siqian took the red envelope unceremoniously, did not open it, and placed it directly in Yan Ruoxuan’s hand.

Yan Ruoxi was obviously a little scared. When he received the red envelope, his hand was still shaking slightly.

Huo Mian has not let go of this picture...

"Miss Yan, are you not feeling well? You look very bad..." Huo Yin said deliberately.

"No... no."

"But your face is not right, I am a doctor, I will not read it wrong, or else you go to the lounge, I will check it out for you?" Huo Mian deliberately said so.

"No... no, I'm fine." Yan Ruoxi covered it.

"Sister Xiaomian, is this an occupational disease? Do you want to treat my bride? If you are too busy, why don't you show me how?" Huo Siqian picked up his eyebrows and had some teasing.

Qin Chu immediately stopped in front of Huo Mian, blocking the sight of Huo Siqian.

Directly back to the road, "Huo always married, big house, the candle in the room, it is necessary to look at it early, don't delay the candle in the house." Qin Daren is also hurting his mouth.

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