My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2919: I only want to sleep (eight)

When Shen Mingxi entered, Huo Wei was curling up and lying on the ground in the corner.

The clothes on the body are very unfit men's clothing. It is estimated that the police brought it back to her.

Her face rushed to the corner of the wall, and then she didn’t know what she was holding...

To be honest, even though she was so confronted with Shen Mingxi, she was saddened to see her like this.

"Oh." He didn't seem to call her for a long time.

Unfortunately, Huo Wei did not react at all, or he did not know what he was.

Shen Mingxi slowly walked over, reached out and gently placed it on her shoulder.


"Ah... don't touch me, don't touch me... you go away... go, you are the devil."

Huo Wei reacted a lot and looked at the man behind him in horror.

When she turned her face, Shen Mingxi was also shocked.

Where was the former Huo Wei who was dressed up brightly and brightly.

Even when it’s down, it’s not like this when you go to work in a mall.

Huo's face is full of dirt, and the lipstick on his mouth is full of mouths and looks very funny.

Sticky on the hair, I don't know if it is water or something, it makes people feel disgusting.

"Oh... I am Shen Mingxi."

"Ming Xi?"

When I heard the words of Ming Xi, Huo Wei’s obvious eyes became somewhat different.

"You... can't you remember me?"

"Shen Mingxi?" Huo Wei whispered repeatedly.

"Yes, I am Shen Mingxi."

"Shen Mingxi... You are a negative man... I hate you, you roll... You go... You are the same as Qin Chu, they are the murderers who directly killed my mother, you are indirect, you also flee Nothing can be done..."

When Huo Wei said it, the emotion seemed to be excited again.

Shen Mingxi has no angry expression at this time, only pity and sadness.

"How did you become like this, what did Huo Siqian eat for you?" Shen Mingxi looked at her sadly.

"Qin Chu... is Qin Chu, Qin Chu gave me poison! It is Qin Chu who harms me..."

Huo Wei did not know whether it was true or not, and it was Qin Chu.

Shen Mingxi is not talking, just watching Huo Meng go crazy, crying for a while, laughing for a while.

"Sweet is in my place, I will protect her, I don't have to worry about it." Shen Mingxi whispered to Huo Wei.

"Sweet? Who is sweet... Who is sweet?"

Yes, she doesn’t even remember her daughter...

Shen Mingxi sighed and got up...

"Qin Chu, don't run... I want to kill you... You and Huo Mian are both damned, and those who hurt my mother and my brother are damned."

After that, Huo Meng rushed up, but the two policemen who came in grabbed their shoulders.

"Give her a sedative." Gao Ran said.

Subsequently, the doctor of the city bureau came in and immediately injected sedatives into Huo Wei, and she continued to sleep peacefully.

"How long has she been like this?" Shen Mingxi asked after coming out.

"When we found her, she... more serious than this... The video that was madly online, did you see it? She was in the most prosperous site in the city center, she was stripped naked... We are indeed She found the drug in her body, which should not be loaded, it is controlled by the drug."

"Do you know what medicine?" Shen Mingxi asked again.

"Unclear, our people are also in the analysis. At present, only some drugs that control the brain and nerves, and some snake poisons that can make people nervous... This kind of synthetic medicine is the most troublesome, because it is difficult to prepare the antidote... ...."

"Huo Siqian, this bastard, I will not let him go...." Shen Mingxi clenched his fist.

"Shen Shao, if you want to help Huo Huo find Huo Xiqian revenge, I have an idea." Gao Ran suddenly said.

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