My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2924: I only want to sleep (13)

Huo Mian felt a dangerous breath and wanted to wake up, but he couldn’t wake up...

In the afternoon, Qin Chugang made a video for Huo Mian after he had finished his deployment.

But - did not pick up...

Send WeChat - don't go back

Calling - not connected

Qin Chu suddenly panic...

Directly hit the landline at home, it is the pudding.

"Daddy..." Pudding shouted sweetly.

"Budding, what about your mom?"

"Upstairs... I went back to the room more than an hour ago. She looked tired and tired," said Pudding.

"I called her, she didn't pick up, sent WeChat, and didn't return."

"Amount, what is the situation?" Pudding is also very curious, because she knows that Mommy has always been very sleepy.

A little sound will wake up, not to be heard by the phone.

"Let's go and see."

"it is good."

"Hurry up." Qin Chu was in a hurry.


After listening to the pudding, the phone did not hang, and immediately ran upstairs.

She first knocked on the door gently, afraid to scare Mommy.

"Mummy, are you inside?"

After five seconds of unresolved, the pudding gently pushed the door open.

After seeing the people on the bed, the pudding gave a gentle sigh of relief.

"Wh... it turned out she was sleeping." Pudding whispered.

Pudding saw Huo Mian on the bed, wearing his usual nightdress and lying back to the door.

There is a slight ups and downs on the back... It seems that I haven't woken up yet.

Then the pudding gently closed the door, walked out, and picked up the phone to reply.

"Daddy, Mommy is really sleeping."

"You saw it with your own eyes?" Qin Chu asked.

"Well, I saw it. I just pushed open the door. She was inside. It was estimated that she slept very hard, didn't hear it, or the phone was muted? Would you like me to wake her up?" asked Pudding.

"Forget it, she may have been too nervous recently to sleep well last night, let her go to sleep."

"Well, what do you have to do?"

"Is there an abnormality at home? Is there something strange happening? Or what strange person is coming?" Qin Chu asked without confidence.

"No, the same as in peacetime."

"That's good."


"Then you and your sister don't run around, maybe you will be sent to the Su family at night."

"Go to Sujia? Why?"

"This is telling you back, in short, obedient."

"Okay, you can rest assured." Pudding nodded cleverly.

Subsequently, Qin Chu and her daughter interrupted the call...

Later, Qin Chu called Su Yu again.

However, in order to prevent being monitored, Qin Chu met with Su Yulai Group.

Su Yu was just eating a few directors nearby, just half eaten and got on the phone.

"General Qin, Su is here."

"Well, let him in."

"it is good."

Assistant Yang took Su Yu into the president's office.

"You seem to rarely meet me... Is there a big deal?" Su Yu came in and saw the mountain.

"You should sit down first."

Su Yu nodded and sat down on the sofa opposite Qin Chu.

"Tonight, I might want to ask you something."

"What?" Su Yu slightly.

"After dark, you will sleep and sleep with your children for one night."

"My home?" Su Yu is even more arrogant.

"Not your private villa, it is the home of Grandpa Su." Qin Chu corrected.

"Amount... Why is it so sudden?" Su Yu knows that Qin Chu will not let his wife and children stay in the house for no reason.

"Because Grandpa Su is particularly prepared for defense." Qin Chuzhi said.

Su Yu responded, and asked dignifiedly, "Are you planning to start with Huo Siqian?"

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