My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2927: I only want to sleep (16)

"Mummy... got up." The pudding knocked at the door.

But I can't get a response...

"Mummy... Don't sleep, Uncle Su is coming, he seems to have something to look for." The pudding raised the volume.

However, there is still no response.

The pudding also felt a bit strange, and then slowly opened the door.

She saw that Mommy was still in that position and was lying there to sleep.

"Mummy..." The pudding tried to make some more noises. At this time, even if he was asleep, he would be woken up.

But Huo Mian still has no reaction...

This pudding can be anxious, rushing directly to shake the body of Huo Mian.

"Mummy, what happened to you?"

The words of the pudding, just finished, I saw the woman on the bed turned over and got up, stuck in the pudding's neck.

"Amount..." The pudding was so suffocating that it was very uncomfortable.

"Small wild species, we met again." Zhang Manlin smiled viciously.

"How... is it you?" The pudding never imagined that the person in the bed at home was actually the scum of Maggie Lin.

"Oh, how come you think about it, Hossein’s plan is so perfect, and the method of stealing the column has deceived everyone."

"You... let go of me."

"Let you let go, is it possible? I also hope that you can safely leave Nanshan Castle..." Zhang Manlin smiled insidiously.

"My mommy... Where is it?" Pudding discovered at this time that Mommy might have disappeared long time ago.

When she called before, she might see Zhang Manlin.

"Your mommy... This time it must be finished, haha, you will never see her again."

"What the **** are you doing, you are a bad woman." Pudding glared at Zhang Manlin, and she wanted to eat her.

"Your mommy is alive or dead, but I can't decide, then you have to ask Hossein."

"Scum, I am fighting with you..." Pudding suddenly struggled with a lot of strength, reaching out and grabbing Zhang Manlin's neck.

Zhang Manlin didn't expect the child to break out, and the strength was quite big, so the neck was caught with a very obvious blood mark.

She pushed her pudding down to the ground, knocked the porcelain bottle on the table behind her, fell to the ground, slammed and smashed.

Downstairs Su Yu is playing with Douding, and when he hears something is wrong, he immediately rushes upstairs.

When he came up, he saw such a scene.

Zhang Manlin held a sharp dagger in her hand and pressed against the pudding's neck.

She glared at the pudding's collar, just like catching a chicken, without mercy.

"Zhang Manlin... How are you?" Su Yu was surprised.

"Su Shuai, she is the person of Huo Siqian, she lost the bag of Mommy, Mommy is now in the hands of Huo Siqian, you tell me to swear, hurry to save her."

The logical thinking of the pudding is very clear. At such a critical moment, the whole thing can be told simply and completely.

After listening to it, Su Yu’s face changed greatly.

"Zhang Manlin, where is Huo Mian?" Su Yu clenched his fists and wanted to shred Zhang Manlin to hate.

"Oh, how do I know... She was taken away by Huo Siqian a few hours ago, but I just pretended to be a hungry sleep here according to the orders of Huo Siqian."

"What do you say?" Su Yu's face is more and more ugly.

A few hours ago, I was already in the hands of Horshim?

Isn’t it now...? He simply can't think about it.

"Su Shuai, kill this woman, don't let her go out alive, leave me alone." Pudding calmly looked at Su Yu, saying one word at a time.

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