My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2930: I only want to sleep (19)

"Hey...." Pudding seemed to want to say something, but saw Qin Chu gave her a look.

She immediately understood the meaning of the sly, not to say anything.

"Brother, do you really want to let her go? In case, after she goes out, what should I do if I hurt the pudding?" Qin Ning worried.

"Let her go." Qin Chu's attitude is determined.

Then the bodyguard behind him opens the door to the living room...

Zhang Manlin watched vigilantly around, then held the pudding and left.

When passing by the pool, Qin Chu coughed.

The pudding immediately slammed back and slammed into the belly of Zhang Manlin.

Her focus on the unstable back, the knife in her hand, also shifted the center of gravity and flew out.

Behind me is the swimming pool in front...

Both Pudding and Zhang Manlin fell into the water at the same time.

Qin Chu quickly put down the diced in the arms, the first reaction jumped, and directly took the daughter out.

Then, the bodyguard immediately swarmed up, grabbed Zhang Manlin, and took the wet woman out of the pool.

"My brother is so cool..."

Qin Ning was excited inside. In their view, such a serious matter was solved in Qinchu here in less than two minutes.

The most important thing is that Qin Chu and Pudding are extremely tacit, and the father and the daughter know what to do with one eye.

"Go and help the pudding to pack it." Qin Chu held the pudding and handed it to Su Yu.

"Sister, how are you... does it hurt?" Douding went over and cried.

"I'm fine, don't cry." Pudding gently comforted his sister.

"Su Shuai... Don't care me first, go find my mommy... Don't let Huo Siqian's big bad guy take her away." Pudding still did not forget to explain Su Yu.

"Don't worry, these are handed over to me and you are stunned. You can wrap your wounds with peace of mind."

Su Yu is also distressed by the children... It’s time for this, and my heart is still thinking about Mommy.

Qin Chu wore a black long-sleeved shirt and the sleeves were pulled over the elbows.

He walked slowly and saw awkward Zhang Manlin...

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it, I won't tell you, where is Huo Mian, you have seen her again in this life." Zhang Manlin continued to say vicious words.

Qin Chu picked up from the ground, Zhang Manlin used the dagger.

Then, violently... a knife stabbed in, at the waist of Zhang Manlin, not a fatal position, but it was extremely painful.

"Ah..." Zhang Manlin couldn't bear the sudden pain and screamed out of the province.

At this moment, she is not as good as the pudding, and the ghost is crying.

"You can rest assured that I will not ask you... I am just... to help my daughter revenge... but."

After that, Qin Chu pulled out the dagger from Zhang Manlin’s waist...

Then he stabbed the other side...

"Qin Chu, what kind of hero is you, he is actually tormenting a woman like this." Zhang Manlin shouted.

"Hero hero? I have never been..."

After that, Qin Chu was slow to hold the dagger and pulled it out again...

Zhang Manlin’s waist began to bleed on both sides...

Just when she thought that it was all over, Qin Chu once again pierced the dagger directly into the middle of her abdomen.

"Well...very good, unbiased, not fatal, but it will keep you hurting."

Qin Chu was satisfied with his masterpiece. He came to the medical school and was too aware of the structure of the human body.

This knife, avoiding all the key points, will not let Zhang Manlin die, but it can make her live better than death.

"Qin Chu... You have... there is retribution..." Zhang Manlin cursed hard.

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