My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2934: I only want to sleep (23)

Qin Chu was silent for a moment and said slowly. "I am afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Gao Ran frowned slightly. I don't know what it is that Qin Chu feels scared in this world.

"I'm afraid... Hoschin is so smart, I'm sorting out the tracker on Xiaomian, and then throwing it away, then I'm... there's really no more sleep."

After Qin Chu finished this sentence, his eyes dimmed...

Yes, he is afraid, he is afraid that the last clue will also be broken...

After Qin Chu finished, several men were silent again.

"Where is the Humian Tracker, she knows it?" Wei Liao asked.

Waiting for Qin Chu to talk, Tang Chuan rushed and said, "If you press on the phone, you will die, because Huo Siqian will not bring a cell phone to the nephew."

"Don't you think that whose IQ is as good as you?" Su Yu looked at Tang Chuan without a word, obviously disapproving of his statement.

With the wisdom of Qin Chu, the tracker will not be placed in the mobile phone at all. The mobile phone is gone, isn't it nothing?

"In the necklace of Xiaomian." Qin Chu said.

"Huo Mian Necklace so much, which one are you talking about?" Gao Ran was forced.

"It was the one that was bought a new time ago, Bulgari diamond necklace." Qin Chu said.

"That's easy to do, then things that don't leave, Huo Siqian shouldn't notice it? Achu, it's not too late, let's check it out." Gao Ran proposed.

Su Yu also nodded. "Yes, let's check it out, we can't check it because we are afraid of the clue."

Qin Chu has a heavy open call and links to the client of the tracker...

Several big men were holding their breath, waiting for this moment, and they were sweating for Huoming in their hearts.

Southern C City

On a rugged mountain road, a black Mercedes-Benz business flies past...

In the back seat, Huo Mian sleeps there... The eyelashes are micro-volume, and the lips are accompanied by natural cherry powder, so that people can't help but want to kiss Fangze.

"Boss, what you want is coming..." The driver turned back and said.

"Let's stop at the side." Hoschin asked.

Then the car slowly stopped on the edge of the steep cliff.

Opposite a black Toyota Camry came down a young man.


"What about it?" Huo Siqian reached out.

"Give." The man handed a small box.

"Boss, Acheng... What should I do?" the man asked.

"Where is he now?" asked Huo Siqian.

"Get something on the way back."

"Take it up." Without any hesitation, Huo Siqian gave instructions.

"it is good."

Subsequently, Huo Siqian took things to the car.

Huo Siqian sat on the side of Huo Mian with something.

Then take out the little detector and probe the whole body up and down.

The detector made a squeaky audible alarm as it passed through the neck.

Horsham narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the neck of Huo Mian, where there was a very beautiful diamond necklace.

"Bvlgari's custom-made necklace... Oh, Qin Chu is very likely to find a way, I guess you don't know it?"

After that, Hossie slowly reached out and broke the necklace, then opened the window and threw it in the foothills of the mountain road.

And Huo Mian is still ignorant at this moment... still sleeping.

"Call and ask there... my little sister... When will I wake up?" Huo Siqian whispered.

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