My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2936: I only want to sleep (25)

After Huo Wei was rescued for an hour... he gradually recovered his breathing.

But still unconscious, so far, I don't know what medicine Huo Siqian used for Huo Wei.

There are many royal military doctors in the public security department here, but there is no solution.

The only humble sleep that can hopefully be cracked is now unknown.

Looking at Huo Wei lying in the hospital bed, Shen Mingxi had mixed feelings.

Nowadays, he has no previous relationship with Huo Wei.

It’s ridiculous to say love...

What a great and profound love, through repeated betrayals and lies, is ultimately broken.

Today, he is only a former friend and a sweet mother.

So there will be a little pity...

“Is there any strange thing happening recently?” Shen Mingxi asked.

"Nothing strange is that things happen." The little nurse carefully recalled.

"So... Has anyone seen her recently? Or, who has seen her?" Shen Mingxi asked.


"ok, I get it."

Shen Mingxi took the sweetness in the ward and accompanied Huo Wei for a while. After she saw her sleep, she left.

"Shen Shushu, my mommy... is it okay?" On the way back, sweetly asked in the car.

"never mind."

"That... Uncle Shen, can we come to see her often?"


"Shu Shushu, then I... what should I do in the future?" Sweet said here, his eyes dimmed.

She doesn't understand the grievances between adults, but now, Mummy is like this, it is difficult to protect itself.

What will she do in the future? Who will take care of it?

My biological father has disappeared... It’s really no guardian.

The words of the child deeply touched the heart of Shen Mingxi.

He raised his hand and gently stroked the sweet head.

"In the future...Is it good to follow Uncle Shen?"

"Is it ok?" The little girl bit her lip, and it seems that she still doesn't believe it.

"Of course, as long as you are willing." Shen Mingxi added.

"I am willing."

Sweet feelings for Shen Mingxi have been very deep, not a father, but better than a father.

So after listening to Shen Shushu taking care of her, the child is very happy.

Shen's Group President Office

Shen Mingxi went directly to the group meeting with sweetness.

"You take care of her first, order some food for her. I will take her home when I finish it." Shen Mingxi confessed to the secretary.

After Shen Mingxi finished, just going to the conference room, he went to meet with his mother.

"Son, you wait."

"Mom, how come you?"

"Son, this child can't stay." Shen mother's attitude is tough.

"Mom, what time is this?"

"Do you still have a love for Huo Wei?" Mrs. Shen looked at her son with anger.

"Mom, I really haven't... I and Huo Wei have long been ruined. Now she is insane and unable to take care of her children... I can't watch my children live on the streets." Shen Mingxi explained.

"If that's the case, it's a good job. If you can't bear it, you can send it to a welfare home, or... we can help her find a good family and give it to adoption."

"No." Shen Mingxi directly vetoed.

It is impossible to send a welfare home. He cannot bear it.

If you give it to someone else, it will be reluctant.

"Son, don't be confused for a while... You are still single, you can remarriage, your child can regenerate, this is not your child, why are you always carrying her? Ask yourself for trouble... Don't you want to Is it better to be with Xiaoying? Do you think... Will she accept Huo’s daughter?” Shen Shen asked.

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