My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2941: I only want to sleep (30)

“A little impression?” asked Horsham.

"I remember... I am sleeping in my house. You actually went to my house to rob people... My daughter, my husband? What happened to you?" Huo Mian’s eyes widened and stared at Huo Siqian fiercely.

"Don't be nervous, I am not interested in your child, your husband... they are all very good, I only took you away."

"What do you want to do?" Huo Mian frowned, then slowly got up, but felt weak.

"Don't mess, my little sleep sister, you haven't fully recovered yet."

"What did you do to me?" Huo Mian was shocked and thought, wouldn't it be what medicine was taken by Huo Siqian?

You must know that you are pregnant with a second child, and any drug stimulation will affect your baby.

So Huo Mian subconsciously touches his lower abdomen...

"Don't be afraid, how can I be willing to do something to you... but I found a Thai wizard and gave you a sleeping spell... You just slept for three or five hours, how? Sleeping? Have you dreamed?"

"You are really abnormal..." Huo Mian stared at Huo Siqian, and his mood was particularly complicated.

Even if the wizard is done, the idea of ​​Huo Siqian is really not understood by ordinary people.

"Well, don't worry about me, come and show you something."

After that, Huo Siqian reached out and supported Huo Mian and helped him.

Huo Mian wanted to push him away, but there was no strength.

After getting off at Huo Mian, he looked around and his eyes became deep.

"It's beautiful here, right?" Huo Siqian whispered.

Huo Mian took a hard look and opened Hosham's hand, which was very reluctant to have skin contact with him.

Huo Mian looked at his position, it was a mountain top, very high.

It feels like a cliff here, and the sea below, because the sound of the sea whistling can be heard clearly.

Now it is night, it is reasonable to say that it should be very black.

However, Huo Siqian did not know when he ordered a colorful lamp to hang on the Christmas tree.

Then, on the edge of the cliff, there is a white gauze arch, which is covered with green grass and white flowers.

This... Is it like a dark mountaintop, is it the scene of a lawn wedding?

Such a vast project really does not know how long it will take and how many people will need it to complete.

In the face of Hossein’s question, Huo Mian did not answer.

She must admit that it is beautiful and beautiful, but what can be done, facing the hateful people, in the beautiful scenery, she also has no heart to appreciate.

Under the arch, there is a rectangular dining table with a white table cloth.

There are chairs at both ends, two goblets in the middle, and a bottle of red wine.

"Sleep for so long, are you very hungry, let's have something to eat."

Pointing at the table, Huo Siqian invited Huo Mian with a smile.

"I will not eat."

"I didn't poison." Huo Siqian said half-jokingly.

"I am not in the mood to eat with a nasty person." Huo Mian bit his teeth, did not give Hors Qian any good face.

"But you don't eat, you stand here, you can't run... Is it better to sit down and slowly enjoy the scenery of the top of the mountain?" Huo Siqian said, looking into the distance.

"How do you want to let me go back... What do you want to say?" Hume thought that Huo Siqian was holding himself, but he wanted to get something and threatened Qin Chu.

But this time, she looks wrong.

At the table, Huo Siqian slowly picked up the goblet and looked at the red wine inside. He said, "You ask what I want, well, I will tell you now - I just want to sleep."

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