My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2959: Everyone said that Huo Mian died (eight)

"at any time."

After Qin Chu dropped these two words, he went two more steps.

Gao Ran did not dare to ask more, because Qin Chu’s thoughts are always as strange as Huo Mian.

Huo Jin is wearing a wedding dress and standing on the edge of the cool breeze...

Standing in front of the glaring arch, he was forced by Horsham to make a cliff wedding.

Although these people are all looking at the fire, they are also helpless.

First, because of the time bomb on Huoming.

First, because the two of them seem to be surrounded by something like a monkey monkey, surrounded by mines.

No one can get close...

Huo Siqian is far more powerful than they think, and more abnormal.

"Huo Siqian, if you are a man, you will come out and single-handedly with Lao Tzu, why bother to be a woman." Su Yu yelled, using the radical method.

But Howick is so smart, how can it be easily put on the set?

"Su Yu, you want to provoke me... I won't be on you... I am not a man, not what you said, single-handedly with you... No, the initiative is in my hands, I am sitting on everything, Why do you want to single out with you, how silly I am, how much can I not open?" Huo Siqian smiled.

"Huo Siqian, you are not saying that you love Huo Mian, then how can you bear to be so to her? You are not love at all." Su Yu said.

Huo Mian has been covered with wolverines at this time...

The clothes scattered on the red wine, the wedding dresses are stains of red wine.

Her hair is also a little messy...

It may be that when Horsham pinched his chin, it hurts. Huo Mian’s face is a bit poor and looks weak.

Su Yu is really distressed, and she can't wait to replace her as a hostage.

"Yeah, I love Xiaomian... but my way is different from yours."

"Short, you are selfish, possessive, unwilling, you are not love at all... If you love someone, you can see her happiness even if you don't get it." Su Yu said.

"Oh, sorry, I am not as great as you are... I just want to get it."

"So you are a hypocrite... Huo Siqian, you let go of sleep, I am a hostage for her."

"Just kidding, Su Ye... You still have to stop, your IQ... I can't bear to look straight." Huo Siqian actually looked down on Su Yu.

Because he always felt that Su Yu had no IQ and was particularly impulsive.

Therefore, he has never been put in his eyes, but Qin Chu has always been the object of his concern, but now, Qin Chu, who lost his sleep, is nothing but a dog.

Huo Mian is the soft underbelly of Su Yu, his weakness, and it is the fatal wound of Qin Chu.

It was just that I saw this, and Huo Siqian was even more unscrupulous and ruthless, because he knew that he would do this in front of Qin Chu.

It’s more than uncomfortable to kill him...

Therefore, it is still terrible to encounter an opponent who can read minds such as Huo Siqian.

Because he knows how to do it, he can break through your psychological defense and let you collapse instantly.

"You dare to despise my Su Ye IQ, rub ... dug out the weighing, and also two pounds more than this ****." Tang Chuan and Su Yu are special iron buddies.

So as soon as he heard that Huo Siqian insulted Su Yu, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Huo Siqian is not taking care of Tang Chuan because he does not want to say a word to those who do not care.

"Small sleep sister... Are you tired?" Huo Siqian looked down at Huo Mian with a low head.

At this time, when it was said that it was too late, Qin Chu used the wire lock given by Gao Ran and threw it out quickly.

Enclose the body of Huo Mian directly...

Then Qin Chu pulled hard with force... Huo Mian’s body emptied directly toward Qin Chu.

Huo Siqian did not react slowly. He took a foot from Huo Mian and slammed it hard.

"Huo Mian..." All the people present were thrilled.

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