My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2961: Everyone said that Huo Mian died (10)

"Achu... What happened to you?" Gaoran’s hand was fast, and he helped Qin Chu.

Su Yu Gu did not go to Qin Chu, crossed him and caught up directly...

However, Wei Liao and Tang Chuan were pressed and held.

"Let me go, I want to save my sleep..." Su Yu cried.

"Su Ye don't go, there are mines buried there, you will be blown up, you must first find someone to mine..."

"Let me go, let me let go of me..."

Su Yu also has to pay attention to the mines... Fighting to chase the cliff.

Fortunately, Tang Chuan and Wei Liao have been exhausted with all their strength, and the public security reinforcements behind them came with a mine-clearing expert.

Quickly cleaned up all the mines on the scene...

At this time, Su Yu they rushed over...

After looking down, everyone was silent...

Especially Su Yu, with sad despair and pain in his eyes.

Here is the abyss...

It’s a tumbling black wave...

The sea at night seems to be like a beast, whistling in the sea breeze.

Not to mention living people, even if a plane goes down, it will be tens of meters after being sprayed into the waves.

When a wave hits, there is no trace of it...

In the face of nature, mankind is always so small.

Huo Siqian hugged Huo Mian, after all, it was the body of the flesh. They went on like this, and basically there is no possibility of survival.

The needle in a haystack...

In other words, even if you are lucky, you can't know how many days later.

At that time, the body is estimated to be moldy, and there is still a live mouth.

"Huo Mian, she... is it dead?" Su Yuzhen was on the edge of the cliff, looking at the sea breeze below, asking sillyly.

"Su Ye... Don't do this." To tell the truth, looking at Su Yu's now stupid look, Wei Liao is very distressed.

"You said, is she dead..." Su Yu’s voice trembled, he was afraid, he was in fear.

"Su Ye... We... all... I want to mourn." Tang Chuan said hard, trying not to let himself cry.

"Sorrow, your mother... How can Humian die, she is a genius... She is so arrogant, how can she die... You lied to me... You all lied to me." Su Yu was as crazy as he was.

It seems that I have to go forward and I will fall.

Wei Liao and Tang Chuan, one person grabbed him and dragged his shoulders to the back.

At this time, Tang Chuan thought of Qin Chu...

Then he turned sharply.

"Gao Ran, Qin Chu Ge?"

"He was in a coma." Gao Ran’s mood was heavy at this time.

Huo Mian was hugged by Huo Siqian at the moment he jumped.

Qin Chu’s pupil is infinitely magnified, and this scene, the blow to him, is simply... it’s going to be a life.

Then, less than ten seconds.

Qin Chu rushed out of the blood and crashed into the ground.

Gao Ran scared to help him up quickly, and then went to the ambulance behind him for first aid.

"The trough... What kind of exercise is he? What should I do... What should we do?" Tang Chuan hugged his head and squatted on the floor, crying at a loss.

Wei Liao has been holding Su Yu, trying to keep him from getting excited.

Gaoran’s heart was flustered and his hand was shaking.

Holding the mobile phone, he shuddered and hit a few words and sent it to Lingling.

"Huo Mian is dead."

There are only four words.

Zhu Lingling called back in a call.

Gao Rang just picked up, she is a skunk.

"Death police, don't curse me, sleep, you want to die, do you want to sleep on the floor at night?"

"Ling Ling, Huo Mian is dead." Gao Ran said heavily.

"Roll your uncle, you are dead, don't allow this kind of unlucky joke, saying, is it that the game is lost, so I am whole?" Zhu Lingling obviously does not believe.

"Ling Ling, I didn't lie to you..." Gao Ran explained again, tears have blurred his eyes, his voice with a cry.

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