My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2971: Everyone said that Huo Mian died (20)

"Amount... Why do you ask?" Su Yu was guilty.

"Because my sister said, I feel you are weird today."

"Do I have it?" Su Yu is more guilty.

"Who knows? My reaction is that she is not fast, my sister is sensitive, and I may think too much... but you must not have something to look at us, or I will not forgive you."

Su Yu looked at the peas in a complicated look and did not answer.

Instead, pick up a cup of juice and hand it to the bean.

"You drink more juice and add more vitamin C."

Subsequently, the Sujia’s maids continued to serve, and for a long time, the pudding had not returned.

"Why didn't the little girl come back? I went looking for her."

Su Yu got up and walked out of the restaurant...

After a round, the pudding was finally found on the balcony at the end of the second floor corridor.

She stood there, a little figure...

I don't know why, this child has no mother when she thinks that Huo Mian is dead.

Su Yu is very uncomfortable...

"Pudding, have a meal."

"Su Shuai, come over, I have something to ask you."

Su Yu glanced at her and then slowly leaned over.

"Su Shuai, you told me, what happened?"

"Nothing happened, just to rescue your mother is a little difficult, but everything is temporary." Su Yu continued to fabricate a good faith lie.

"You still lie to me?" Pudding was angry.


"I have already given Uncle Gao Ran, Lingling, they called, and my aunt, Uncle Tang Chuan..."

Su Yu’s heart is cold...

"Pudding, I actually..."

"You never lie to me, Mommy said... people can't lie. If you say a lie, you must use a hundred lie to round the lie. Over time, you will become a liar. There is no prestige at all... So, Su Shuai, don’t lie to me, even if it’s a cruel truth, it’s easier for me to accept than a good faith lie.”

Su Yu is silent...

"She has an accident, is she?" asked Pudding.

"Budding, I am sorry... We did our best, but we failed... I could not save her."

"Tell me, what happened? I have to listen to the process." Pudding looked at Su Yu seriously.

To Su Yu a lot of mental pressure, this is not like a child more than three years old, the appearance of juvenile old makes Su Yu not dare to look down.

In the end, Su Yu sighed a little, walked over and stood beside the pudding.

The story of Huo Mian’s fall into the sea was told to her.

After she finished listening, she was silent, and then she asked, "What about the land?"

"You are stunned... Now in the hospital, you may be too irritated and unconscious." Su Yu said a little.

The eyes of the pudding were a little bit faint... not crying like other children, not making trouble.

Just turned very quiet, from the balcony, looking into the distance...

"Pudding..." Su Yu reached out and patted her weak shoulder.

"Su Shuai, me and Douding, is this time... I may have to lose both of them? I love Mommy so much... He will not live alone in the world... and me and Doudin, Was it abandoned by them?" Pudding asked sadly.

"No, no, your mommy loves you very much... she doesn't want to, listen, pudding, I can't confirm that your mommy is dead now, maybe there is hope for survival... I have sent a rescue team to search and rescue. ... you are only temporarily coma, you will wake up, aren't you?"

In the eyes of the pudding, there seems to be something flashing... but it has never fallen.

After another pause, she suddenly turned her head and said something to Su Yu.

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