My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2975: Murdering madness (4)

"It's not good, but it feels...not like her."

Su Yu did a very careful look at the body...

Nothing can be seen on the face, and the length of the hair is about the same as the length of the sleep.

However, it has not been shaped by the sea water, so it cannot be distinguished.

The most important thing is clothes...

Originally, clothes should be well distinguished...

Because Huo Mian fell, wearing a white wedding dress.

But when the female body was found, it was light.

Because in the sea for so long, by some gravel, coral, it has long been scratched.

Therefore, when the female corpse was found to be naked, Tang Chuan could not stand it.

In case it is really hibernating, it is so light, to identify Su Yu, what is this like?

Therefore, Tang Chuan ordered the rescue team to find a female staff member and put the body into a suit worn by the hospital.

Therefore, it is also unrecognizable from the clothes. The only thing that is done is the DNA comparison.

As long as you get the pudding, or the hair of the diced bean, it is OK to compare it with Huon.

After recognizing the body, Su Yu’s mood was heavy.

"Would you like to have a drink?" Tang Chuan asked.

"Don't drink, my rush back, the children are still waiting for me."

"You will not really want to raise them in the future?" Tang Chuan suddenly said.

Su Yu felt a pain in her heart, but said nothing.

On the way back, Su Yu received a call from Zhixin.

Because Huo Mian’s mother has always said that she is flustered and feels that her daughter has lost her connection.

Zhixin only asked Gao Ran to call, but whether it was Gao Ran, Zhu Lingling, Wei Liao or Jiang Xiaowei.

Everyone is silent about the whereabouts of Huo Mian.

In the end, Zhixin asked the child there, Gao Ran said at the Su Yu family.

Therefore, Zhixin called Su Yu again.

"The phone is not clear, let's meet and talk."

Su Yu decided to talk about the new things, after all, he is the younger brother of Huo Mian.

If Huo Mian really has something wrong, then Qin Chu’s company, Huo Mian’s mother, must be taken care of.

In the cafe near Chunxi Road

Zhixin is five minutes earlier than Su Yu

When Su Yu came in, Zhixin was very polite and got up and said hello, "Su Yuge."

"sit down."

Su Yu waved his hand and let Zhixin sit down.

"Give you something American, I heard that you don't like sugary coffee."

"Who did you listen to?" Su Yu was a little surprised.

I am a little good, and it seems that very few people know.

"My sister said it."

"Your sister?" Su Yu glimpsed.

"Yeah, sometimes I chat with my sister and chat, I chatted, she said... You don't like to drink coffee with sugar, and that American coffee tastes like Chinese medicine, and it is dead. I was joking. You have a problem with your taste, and your sister is still protecting you. She said that people who like American coffee are all people who can suffer. Su Yuge, you are not the one who sees you on the surface and only eats, drinks, and eats. Rich second generation, you have been in the army for years, no one can, is a hero... Because of this, my sister also gave me a slap." Zhixin smiled.

"She used to say that I have..." Su Yu touched a little.

"Well, though... you are not with your sister... but my sister has already treated you as a very important friend and will protect you... she is such a short-sighted person."

As Zhixin said, Su Yu wants to cry.

He picked up the black American coffee and slammed a big mouth.

A strong bitterness immediately spread on his tongue...

"Su Yuge, where did my sister go, why can't I contact? The phone has not been answered, and my brother-in-law is actually." Zhixin asked the topic.

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