My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2989: Killing Mania (18)

"What are you doing……."

Seeing that Luyan wants to start, Joe is also drunk, holding a hand that has already been on the waist.

Outsiders saw that they thought that the little couple was loving in the show.

"I..." Lu Yan had not waited to talk, but was drowned in the crowd by the enthusiastic shouts of fans.

Still, Joe has been pulling her hand and going out, finally rushing out of the encirclement.

"You have mistaken people... she is not a star." Qiao Fei explained.

"Do not believe it or not."

"Yeah, beautiful girl, take off your glasses and let us see?"

"Your skin is good, what cosmetics do you use, let us know."

"Your new work is so beautiful, we are going to help you with the ticket... I took my boyfriend three times."

"Beautiful girl, can you give us a lot of self-portraits on Weibo?"

"Don't you say that you are single? But is this your boyfriend wearing a couple?"

"Is it a broker?"

The voice of the fans is almost full of blowers...

She swears that if it is not the airport, she really wants to detonate a bunch of bombs directly, and blow up these brain powders, ok?

At this time, another VIP channel, out of a young actress.

There was a broker's assistant bag before, and then there was a bodyguard to escort.

The field is very big...

"Hey? We really seem to admit the wrong person... that is the deity..."

After a fan finished, a large number of fans evacuated in an instant and went over there.

Flowers, gifts, shouts, simply...

Since the beginning of the day, Luyan has been flying around the world, telling the truth, even if it is a Hollywood superstar, strolling on the street, it is not like this.

It is true that the country is sometimes too willing to chase stars, too willing to take the star seriously.

Lu Yan, a man who bleeds blood on the tip of his knife, never interacts with the stars.

Because it is not a class of people...

"The trough... almost kills."

Looking at those people walking, Lu smoke finally breathed.

Put a new travel bag from LV directly in Joe's arms.

"You... as for? Is a group of children chasing stars." Joe laughed, and felt that the scene was ridiculous and interesting.

"The situation was so confusing at the time, how do I know if there is a killer coming in and killing me?"

"Well, it's good to be vigilant at all times... but I think this misunderstanding is because we are too casual to dress... you still have to wear your black trench coat, isn't it all right?"

"Scratch... Are you a tiger? These months, on a hot day, you let me wear a windbreaker. Do you want to kill me so that I can inherit my wealth?"

Qiao Fei: ...

"Zuzong, you really want more, ... I actually want to say that most of the murderers like black, and do not like to wear short sleeves, do not want the skin to be exposed." Qiao Fei explained.

Lu Yan took out a piece of chewing gum and put it in his mouth. He chewed a few times and replied with a bubble. "That is because they are afraid that they will be found by the enemy, and they will be more likely to lose."

"Then why don't you follow the rules?" Joe looked at Lu Yan.

"That's because I won't be hurt at all... The person who can hurt me can basically kill me. I don't even have a bird in a down jacket."

After listening to Joe, he responded for a few seconds and said, "You really are the most killer in history."

"Wrong, the old lady is never a killer, the old lady is a real mercenary." Lu smoke proudly smiled.

"Okay, mercenary queen, what are we going to do now?"

"Killing ............" Drop these three words, Lu smoke got up and left, Joe is not following.

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