My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2995: Forgotten desert island (4)

"The second question, is Horsham really dead?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, he refuses to tell me anything." Yan Ruoxi cried and shook his head.

Luyan’s flying knife, squatting, this time, directly nailed to her left calf.

The pain is here... Yan Ruoqi is simply crazy.

"I beg you, don't kill me... How much do you want, I have everything..."

Yan Ruoyu usually looks very pungent, but a princess is sick.

If you don’t move, you will raise money, just like the world is only the richest in her family...

"Money? No, I am not interested at all. When you spend the whole life together, you don't have a single business. I advise you to tell the truth."

"I really don't know...." Yan Ruoxi burst into tears.

"The third question... When did Huo Siqian start planning this time?" Lu Yan asked.

Yan Ruoxi never dared to say no, because she saw the flying knife in the hands of Lu Yan.

If you go on like this, you will get a lot of blood in your body sooner or later. If you say it, you may still have a way to live.

So this time, if you are serious, you are smart.

"Horschon’s plan should have been planned for many years... but the real implementation started with our fake wedding."

"Very good, finally said something useful." Lu smoke nodded with satisfaction, looked at Yan Ruo, "continue."

"I tell you everything I know, don't you kill me?" Yan Ruoxi cried for mercy.

"Let's talk about it first."

The sound of Luyan is very light, but anyone who listens will be scared.

"I have been with Huo Siqian for several years, but many of his things have not touched me. I don't know much. I only know that Huo Siqian really likes Huo Mian... I like to be abnormal, always I want to bring Huo Mian to my side, so I should have a big plan, but I really don’t know what the plan is, but he said that marrying me is a blind man... I thought I would start the wedding day, and the result No... Later, I moved out to my home, separated from him, and he didn’t look for me... I must have been busy with his plan... Later... after Horsham’s accident, he used to Under the man, I sold the message 200,000 to me, saying that he was dead, holding Huo Mian jumping off the cliff, I know so much."

Lu Yan listened to silence...

"Oh, yes, I know what other people are splitting...."

"Personality split?" Lu Yan looked up.

"Well, he is a split-person, taking a psychotropic substance for a long time. If you forget to take it, if you are stimulated, it will become another person."

"That's the story of Hossein's death on the cliff. Do you believe it?" Lu Yan asked Yan Ruo.

"To tell the truth, it's hard to say, it's possible... one is that he is scheming, it may be just a plan, the other is that if he splits into another personality, then... what is possible is, after all, that Personality is extremely extreme."

"It turned out to be like this." Lu Yan does not seem to be surprised at all.

"I think if you want to know more, you can go to Acheng. He is the confidant of Huo Siqian." Yan Ruoxi said.

"This does not need to teach you." Lu Yanbai like this woman, completely did not like it.

"Boss, what do you do now?"

"Let her go." Lu Yan told Paul.

"Let her go, will not cause us trouble?" Paul seems to have been killing.

"Do she dare?" Lu Yan smiled lightly.

Then got up and went out, "Joe metamorphosis, let's go."

"The boss, I have already prepared a place for you."

"No, I have more important things to do now." After that, Lu Yan was handsome and went downstairs.

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