My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3000: Forgotten island (9)

"it is good."

Although I don't know how much the grandfather has, but Xiaoyan can say so, Pudding feels that she must have her reason.

Subsequently, Lu Yan gently activated the watch button.

The drip over there reminds me of the phone call...

The pudding turned out to be a little nervous for a moment.

“What?” The professor’s image appeared in front of the watch.

Wearing a white coat and wearing a mask, it is obviously in the laboratory behind him.

" see who this is?"

Luyan directly directed the video lens to the small body of the pudding.

The moment the professor saw the little girl, the sharp eyes suddenly softened.

“Is this a pudding or a beanie?” asked the professor.

"Pudding, still stupid to do what, quickly call people." Lu smoke gently touched the pudding's arm to remind.

The little girl shouted sweetly, "Grandfather."

"Oh, well... this is the pudding, it looks exactly the same as the pudding." Professor a photo of a bunch of children.

His thoughts on his granddaughter are beyond words.

Once upon a time, he was thinking about completing the plan on hand early.

Then come back early to see Xiaomian and the children.

"Grandpa, we are different, Bean Ding is fatter than me..." Pudding said.

"Hahaha, well, this time my grandfather remembered that the fat one is the bean diced, the thinner one is the pudding." The professor smiled.

"Daddy, this is the bean pudding." Subsequently, Lu Yan gave the lens to the diners that slept into piglets.

"Oh... I fell asleep."

"Well, the old man is not curious, why did I return to China?" Lu smoke suddenly said.

"Why did you accidentally go back... Ian didn't solve it, you still have to be careful."

When it comes to returning to China, the professor does not agree. He has been reluctant to let Lu Yan and his sister stay together.

I am afraid to break the life of their ordinary people.

"Daddy... I have an accident here. I will simply say that my sister has been dragged down the cliff, life and death are unknown... and my sister’s husband is over-stimulated because of her sister’s affairs, and directly vomits blood and coma."

"What are you talking about?" The professor seemed shocked.

"Daddy, I am telling the truth, time is precious. In order to prevent Ian's despicable villain from tracking my cell phone signal, I have a long story short. I will pass Qin Chu's medical record to your mailbox. You will know it when you read it."

"Okay." After the talk, the professor just wanted to hang up.

Lu Yan once again brought the pudding over to the camera.

"Wait, daddy, pudding has something to say to you."

Luyan temporarily added such a play, if ordinary children, guaranteed to be forced.

But pudding is not an ordinary child.

She is a child prodigy who inherits the powerful genes of Shudi and Mommy.

Pudding looked at the professor with a big, watery eyes. He said in a word, "Grandpa, beg you, come back to save the land... We can't lose him, live alive, and have a chance to help us find our mother. Mi, I and Doudou don't want to become a wild child with no mother."

This sentence said, hey, the professor almost lost his tears.

I have to be so sad and sad, especially when I look at my child’s big eyes.

"Don't worry, the child, give it to my grandfather." The professor still can't stand the pitiful appearance of his granddaughter.

Listening to the professor said, Lu Yan immediately rushed to say, "Don't you promise?" Then you will arrange to return to China as soon as possible. The situation of your brother-in-law is very serious, just like this."

After that, Lu Yan hangs up the phone without giving the professor a chance to speak.

Later, Lu Yan looked at the pudding and laughed. "The girl is good, the reaction is very fast."

"Small 姨... Is the grandfather really able to save the land?" Pudding asked seriously.

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