My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3004: Forgotten island (13)

"Su Yu."

"You want to see Su Yu?"

"Yes, after the accident of my sister and brother-in-law, many things are handled by Su Yu. I think a lot of information I want, he should have."

"But Su Yu knows who you are?"

Qiao Fei thinks that the lesser the identity of Luyan is, the better he knows. He was originally chased by people.

"He doesn't need to know who I am. He just needs to know that I want to help him."

After that, Lu smoke put on a windbreaker and turned to go down the mountain.

Don't look at the age of the smoke, but it is really effective, and it is very popular.

At this moment, there is no one on the desert island.

Huo Xiao slowly opened his eyes...

To be honest, the moment I was beaten by Huo Siqian in my arms, she felt that she was definitely dead.

Huo Mian, who usually does not dare to play with a roller coaster jumper, this time, was dragged to the end.

That feeling, it is like... I was exposed to death in a flash, and what my last words have not come to me.

Later, she had a blank brain... I don't remember what happened.

Huo Mian opened her eyes to see the wooden roof, and then she slowly looked around.

Found that this is a small cabin.

The layout is simple but extraordinarily warm.

There are several pots of flowers on the window sill...

She lay under the bed with thick braids covered with a floral quilt.

The pillow that is under the head is also a very retro pillow, which is the kind of round stake.

Isn't it like heaven here?

Therefore, Huo Mian thinks she may be... not dead yet.

Is it through what?

She was really scared, she passed through to the ancient clouds... It was better to make her more comfortable.

"Small sleep, you finally woke up."

The man who opened the door, saw Huo Mian squinting and immediately beamed his eyebrows.

When I heard the sound of Huo Siqian, the heart of Huo Mian fell to the bottom again.

"Huo Siqian, you are still not dead..."

Huo Siqian wore a simple white sweatshirt and brown cotton and linen pants.

There is a bit of Chinese style, and more is the feeling of returning to the pastoral.

"This is just my plan. We are not dead," he said.

"Where is it, where did you bring me?"

Looking at the strange environment, Huo Mian is very resistant.

“There is a long way to go, no one can find our place, a deserted island.”

" really abnormal."

I heard that there is no desert island, and Huo Mian collapsed again.

"I should have taken you to my private island. There are villas, gardens, maids, gardeners, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables... heaven, but the island is still unsafe and will be discovered. ...... So I plan, we live here first, waited for three or five years... Qin Chu and Su Yu, they gave up looking for you, everyone thought that you are really dead, I am taking you back, Going to the island, okay?"

Huo Siqian said, kneeling down, looking at the eyes of Huo Mian.

The tone is like licking a child...

"Huo Siqian, are you so interesting? You actually banned me?" Huo Mian was very angry, and he thought of resisting, but he could not afford a bit of strength.

"No, this is not a ban, Xiaomian, this is companionship... Only I am the man who can accompany you for the longest time..." He said, he put his big hand on the shoulder of Huo Mian.

"Get out of the way... don't touch me."

Huo Mian’s excited struggle...

"Be careful, you still have a pregnancy..." Huo Siqian gently reminded.

Huo Mian immediately watched and looked at him with surprise.

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