My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3026: God-like professor (fifteen)

"Bad boy, do you dare to move me?" The professor glared.

Looking at the world, there are few who dare to arrest him. Even if he is a member of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, he will also respectfully call a professor.

Unexpectedly, once I returned to China, I was arrested by Su Yu, a boy who didn’t have a long hair.

"I care who you are, plotting it wrong, and catching it for me." Su Yu urged.

The guards around me immediately swarmed and just reached out to catch the professor.

I heard a tender voice in the corridor shouting, "Give me a hand."

"Budding, how come you?"

Su Yu turned back and saw the figure of the pudding, a slight frown.

When the old man saw the child's moment, his eyes became loving.

"Su Shuai, you can't catch him." Pudding came over and said one word at a time.

"Why? You know this old man?" Su Yu looked at the pudding with some arrogance.

The pudding nodded...

"Who is he? Pudding?"

Su Yu is very strange. Since the pudding knows it, it should be a very important person, but why he has never seen it before. It is very strange.

"he is……."

"Pudding..." The old man’s export reminder, he thought that the pudding would say his identity.

"It doesn't matter who he is. The important thing is that he can save my life." Budding firmly remembered the account of Lu Yan and refused to tell the professor.

"Budding, are you not mistaken? This old man? Can you save your life?" Su Yu is even more puzzled.


"Budding, are you sure you are not kidding me? Do you know? You are sick of this disease, there is no doctor in the country to cure, even the United States, your Uncle Rick also replied to me, looking for a lot of you 爹The classmates and tutors at the time of the university said that they were not sure. Now you tell me that this old man can save?" Su Yu's face is questioned.

"They can't save it, it's because they are stupid and have limited ability." The old man seems to be very proud.

"The old man, bragging about not wanting money, isn't it?" Su Yu took a look at the old man.

"Su Shuai, don't say anything, I believe him, I want him to give me surgery."

"No, what are you doing?" Su Yu frowned slightly, for the first time blamed the pudding who did not understand things.

"I have no trouble, every word of mine is serious."

"Budding, are you hypnotized? Helping an outsider to talk, or an old man who doesn't know, even if we are sick, we can't go to the doctor. Do you know how dangerous your situation is? You may be accidentally... ... there is danger to life." Su Yu is a little angry with the practice of pudding.

"Because of this, I should be given immediate surgery, and I can't miss the best operation time." Pudding insisted.

"So you will die when the horse doctor believes that this old man who does not know where to run out?" Su Yu fire.

The professor listened to Su Yu, an old man, an old man, and was drunk.

He swears, if you don't know that this is a good friend of your daughter, I really want to blow up the unmanned and rude kid.

"I don't have a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Su Shuai, do you believe me?"

Su Yu faced the problem of pudding and kept silent.

"Su Shuai, I am a child, I know that it is good and bad, this is my life, I am not so sloppy, I am outside...." The two words of the grandfather almost blurted out, and Pudding rushed to change his mind and said, "This The old grandfather is very powerful. Believe me, only the world can save the land."

"Who are you listening to, are you brainwashed or hypnotized?" Su Yu was very angry.

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