My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3040: Only me and you here (9)

Nanshan Castle

"Grandfather...when can I eat?" Douding in the kitchen, surrounded by professors, seems to be impatient.

The pudding is calm in the living room, watching TV and continuing to analyze some stock market trends.

She listened to Su Yu and said that after Huo Siqian’s disappearance, Huo’s basically collapsed, but the news has not been released yet.

It’s not known outside that Huo Siqian has been a teacher. There is only one empty shell message left by Huo’s.

Pudding holds a lot of Holstein stock in her hand. She plans to open it all tomorrow, and she will all throw it away, and then... cash out.

"Okay, right away." Professor laughed.

"Don't you lie to a grandfather, you just said that it's good..." Douding licked.

"Haha, are you a little girl, are you very hungry?" The professor knelt down, holding the bean diced, his face full of love.

"Isn't it? I heard that after I got home, my grandmother left me to eat, and I didn't eat it."

"Well, you are going out to call your sister now, then you both wash your hands, go to the table, etc. I will go out."

"it is good."

I can eat as soon as I can, and I ran out like a Bean Ding...

"Sister, wash your hands quickly, my grandfather said, you can eat."

"it is good."

The pudding nodded, put down the tablet in his hand and got up and went to the sink.

The two sisters washed their hands and sat at the table waiting for the rules.

Sure enough, the professor came up with a tiramisu, which seemed to be more delicious than the cake shop.

"Grandfather... Is this really what you did?" Douding couldn't believe it.

"Well, how?"

"Looking at it is really good, I can only evaluate it after I have finished eating it." Doudou licked his tongue.

"Well, wait for the little bean pudding to give the grandfather a score."

After that, the professor brought up a black pepper steak and fried ham in front of the pudding.

"Thank you for your grandfather."

Compared to doudding, the pudding is much calmer.

Then the professor went into the kitchen and took out two small bowls of noodles.

"Come, one bowl for one person."

"What is this?" Douding looked curiously.

"The egg noodles that are cooked for you... I can’t eat enough if I eat those things."

"Grandfather, your craft is really praised, it looks like everything will be done."

"Fairy, the grandfather will do more things." The professor looked proudly at his granddaughter.

"Grandpa, are you really my mommy's father?" Douding suddenly asked.

"Well, what?"

"But isn't there a father alone? If you are the father of Mommy, what about the grandfather who died before?"

Douding thought for one night and didn't understand the relationship, so it was very curious.

"These, I can't say a word or two, and you will know it later." The professor smiled.

"Grandfather, why don't you eat?" Pudding looked at his grandfather and only gave them two, but they didn't eat in front of them.

"The grandfather is old and can't eat too much at night, it will be uncomfortable."

"It turned out to be like this... The grandfather is eating an ice cream... I am going to get it for you, very sweet."

Said, Douding ran to the front of the refrigerator, opened, and took out a boxed ice cream from the inside in front of the professor.

"Well, my grandfather is eating ice cream."

The professor once thought that this life must be risky for scientific research, but never thought that one day, he could bring two granddaughters.

Live the most ordinary life, eat ordinary food, and enjoy the happiest time.

If Huo Mian is there, this scene should be more welcoming.

Thinking of this, the professor has some tears and wet eyes.

"Grandfather... Why are you crying, are you cooking for us, tired?" asked Doudin.

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