My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3059: She is not as strong as you think (eight)

Domestic military hospital

When Rick got off the plane, he and the West went to the military hospital to visit Qin Chu.

Su Yu arrived after receiving the news.

When he arrived, Rick had been in the ward for a long time.

Perhaps because of a bad mood, Rick was alone with Qin Chu.

West is outside the door, with the bodyguards brought by Rick.

Sicily sat there, two white bodyguards standing behind the West.

"Su total." Seeing Su Yu came, Xixi stood up.

"What about Rick?"

"He is inside."

"How long have you been?"

"It’s been half an hour, come over the plane..." said Sisi.

"Okay, then I will go in and see, you sit first."

"Well." West said nod.

Then Su Yu pushed the door of the ward and went in and saw Rick sitting on the bed of Qin Chu.

Knowing that their feelings are very deep, it is also human nature that Rick is uncomfortable.

After seeing Su Yu coming in, Rick got up and nodded.

"It is said that someone has been found to give him surgery."

"Yes, a mysterious old man." Su Yu answered truthfully.

"Mysterious old man?" Rick was also listening to the clouds.

"Pudding is very convinced that the old man, a person whose identity is very mysterious, I can't find any information... But by instinct, he is not bad, I believe he can let Qin Chu wake up."

“Is there a photo?” Rick asked.

"Oh, yes." Su Yu took out the mobile phone, and before taking pictures of the old man, I wanted to investigate, and I found nothing.

Rick took it and glanced at it, his eyes changed.

"Do you know him?" Seeing that Rick’s expression has subtle changes, Su Yu is busy asking.

"His identity is really special, but since someone doesn't want you to know, you still don't know."

Su Yu:...

They all play mysterious one by one, and Su Yu is also fed up.

"But I can tell you with certainty that this person will be able to save Qin Chu."

"Even if you believe him so much, then I am really more curious about his identity... It seems that the pudding knows, you know... the old man knows himself, only I don't know." Su Yuxiao.

"When Huo Mian comes back, let her tell you personally, this thing does involve a lot of things, it is very complicated."

"This old man has something to do with Xiaomian?" Su Yu is a glimpse.

Rick was not talking about it... but instead walked over and pulled Qin Chu’s quilt up.

"I will stay here for a few days. When Qin Qi wakes up, I live in the Kempinski Hotel. You have something to contact me at any time."

"Good." Su Yu nodded.

Then I immediately opened the door and went out...

If you haven't seen it for a few years, it's still so cool, just like the world is the only one who is the best.

However, Su Yu understands Rick's temper, so I understand it.

"Is it finished?" Xixi got up.


"How is Qin always?"

"Alright..." Rick underestimated.

"Rick, I... I want to go back and see my family."

"I will send you." Rick gently held the hand of Cassie.

"No, I mean... can you have a meal with my family?" Cassie asked cautiously.

Rick didn't think of it, so he stumbled.

"Of course, if you don't want me, I won't force you. I know that you don't like these red tapes. My family members are actually quite simple. Ha, only my parents, and my sister, my sister is deliberately asking for leave today. I said that my mother made the sweet and sour fish that I loved...." Xixi said endlessly, trying to cover up the embarrassment and disappointment after being rejected by Rick.

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