My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3074: The world is looking for hibernation (3)

"No, never thought about it."

"Where are you from the confidence, so decisive." Rick smiled rarely.

"Loved her for so many years, this tacit understanding is still there... Xiaomian must be alive."

"Well, I don't understand the tacit understanding of this kind of thing. After all, I am still not married."

"You will understand in the future." Qin Chu smiled.

"You are in a much better state. I thought that you would continue to be decadent because there is no news of Hung Mian..."

"It used to be, maybe it won't be, because... I am the husband of Huo Mian, the father of Pudding and Douding."

After saying this, Qin Chu picked up the phone and pulled out the photo, watching the children smile.

He and Xiaomian, his and his children...the family's happiness scene.

The gentleness in Qin Chu’s eyes was never seen by Rick before.

"Ixe seems to be looking for him after Horsham’s disappearance. This time, it seems that he even betrayed Ian."

"He is a kind of person who never really listens to Ian." Qin Chu put down his mobile phone and looked at Rick.

"I thought he was intimate with the Ian family. After all, there is such a story with Nalo..."

"It is precisely because of this that Horsham may hate that the Ian brothers have already entered the bones."

"Huo Siqian is really not doing things according to common sense. I sent people to check again, but there is still no news. Luyan is also checking, and the professor will definitely check it."

"Well, there will always be eyebrows in this matter. Xiaomian is so smart, I will definitely find a way to send information to us." Qin Chu is also full of confidence in Huo Mian.

At this moment, on a desert island

Huo Mian is being imprisoned by Huo Siqian, but Huo Siqian is indeed very good to her. Apart from restricting her personal freedom, she cannot leave the island.

Everything else has everything. Seeing that Huo Jin doesn't like to eat on the island, he ordered people to bring some rare fruits and meats, and even seafood lobster abalone.

However, no matter how he did it, he could not see the smile of Huo Mian.

Every day, I face the swear words of Huo Mian. Even so, Huo Siqian still feels very happy.

"Small sleep, look, you look at some of the skirts, I don't like you very much... I gave you a few more... The fine silk that was transported by air from Suzhou... According to your body proportion, I did it. A few long skirts, but considering that you are pregnant, the stomach will become bigger and bigger, so I changed the abdomen to the master. Do you like it?"

Huo Siqian carefully held a few light-colored skirts, and invited him to come to Huo Mian.

"Huo Siqian, you don't want to waste your time. What do you do, I won't like you." Huo Jin responded coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like me. I never forced you to like me. I like you."

"I wish you wishful thinking, is it really interesting? Don't you feel very boring?" Huo Yin stared at him.

"No, I am happy to be in it, yes, the skirt is here for you... You have time to try it, it has been cleaned, disinfected, knowing that you are a doctor." Huo Siqian laughed.

Huoming didn't overdo it, not talking to him.

Huo Siqian put the skirt on the side of Huo Mian, then got up and went outside.

When he arrived at the door, he suddenly turned his head. "Small sleep, drink fresh fish soup at night. Is it good? If you eat staple food, do you like rice or steamed bread?"

Such a scene is like a husband who is responsible for taking care of a pregnant wife. Huo Mian suddenly feels that the style of painting is very strange.

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