My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3076: The world is looking for Hum sleep (5)

"What is this?" Huo Mian stunned the bag and glanced at it.

"Look and see."

Huo Mian is dubious about handling the things in the kraft paper bag.

For a moment, my heart will be germinated...

That is the bond of twins, pudding and pudding.

One by one, there are two children, and some are taken on the road by the street.

Some of them were photographed at the restaurant, and there were oily things in the mouth of the peas, which looked so cute.

Huo Mian took a photo and looked at it so affectionately...

The eyes also become warmer...

This is a fascinating expression of the maternal love that radiates the mother's love.

Huo Mian lowered his head and fell a long hair.

Covering her delicate side face...

Huo Siqian looked at the movement and reached out and just wanted to help her sort out.

It was Hu Jinjin who reached out and knocked down his hand...

"What do you want to do?"

"No need to be nervous, I just want to help you with your hair."

"You don't need to get it."

"Okay, okay, don't be nervous, you... all catch up with the little hedgehog, and the grass is all soldiers." Huo Siqian laughed.

Huo Mian loves to hold the photo, tears in his eyes.

"These photos, how did you get it?"

"Of course my people took it... How about, happy? These are the latest debts, look at the date below, that is the day before yesterday."

Huo Mian silent.

"It was taken by the people under my hand, and then passed to the people on my side. They helped print them out. If you like, I will let them shoot you later."

"It's like you are giving me the same gift... It was because you kidnapped me, I couldn't see my daughter." Huo Mian looked up and was angry again.

"Calm, Xiaomian, after the baby in your stomach is born, you will still be a mother..."

"You stay in the mouth, what does this baby have to do with you, don't hit his mind."

"No, I don't, I will be very good to him, rest assured." Huo Xiqian laughed.

"Okay, with these photos, you should be in a good mood, eat more tonight."

After that, Huo Siqian got up and went to the table at the side to eat...

Huo Mian was not in the mood to eat, just took a photo of the pudding and doudding, looked and looked.

"They...have to grow taller..." Huo Mian whispered to himself.

Military district hospital

I heard the news that Qin Chu woke up, at 6 o'clock the next morning.

The Qin family all rushed to the military hospital, and Su Yu came early.

Twins suppress not only the father's thoughts, but also directly into the ward.

Qin Chu got up very early, and the information in his hand was all about the property of Huo Siqian.

He is trying to find their whereabouts...

"Oh my God, oh yeah... Xie Tianyu, you are finally awake." Douding shouted excitedly.

"Doudou, miss me?" Qin Chu put down the information in his hand and looked at his daughter.

"I want to die you... oh... oh..." Douding flew over and rushed directly into Qin Chu's arms.

"Donuts are light, you have just finished the operation for a long time, the injury has not recovered." Pudding reminded behind.

"What are you afraid of, we are superman, we don't care about these." Douding excitedly licked Qin Chu's neck and refused to let go.

Qin Chu kissed the forehead of the little girl.

Then Qin Chu looked at the pudding behind the bean.

"Pudding, come over, hug and hold..." Qin Chu smiled softly.

Pudding shook his head...

"Don't, the injury to the ground is still not good, I don't want to hug." The pudding is entirely for the sake of his father's health.

"Then you don't love the land?" Qin Chu's voice has always been good to hear.

God, Qin Chu is actually spoiling with his daughter...

This is really the first time, even the puddings are shocked.

"Sister, stupid is not stupid... I am spoiled with you, come over." Doudou waved his hand and shouted at his sister.

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