My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3093: True and false fake Huo Siqian (2)

"Do you think I will be afraid? Are you too young to see?" Su Yu looked proud.

"This is not a problem that is not afraid."

"That is a problem?" Su Yu is obviously not convinced.

"Ian is a murderous demon... Before we were here, the serial murder case did not catch the murderer. The dead were terrible, and those were Ian's masterpieces."

"You mean, he has been here for us?"

"Yes, and has been investigating the life of Xiaomian."

"What is the background of Ian, so that you are so scrupulous?" Su Yu is not stupid, look out, people like Qin Chu are very jealous of Ian.

"The leader of the terrorist organization...but these are not the most important. His terrible thing is that the means are cruel and terrible. It is not acceptable to normal people."

"Then he... wants to catch Xiaomian, is it because of the professor's relationship?" Su Yu's brain is not stupid.


"Then why didn't he catch Xiaomian's sister, Xiaomian's sister is so good?" Su Yu was bored.

"I have been catching it, but the land smoke is not so easy to catch."

"Scratch... well, it seems that I think it's simple."

"Well, so telling you all about this, I actually want to say..." Qin Chu’s words have not been finished, Su Yu interrupted.

"You actually want to say, let me do the shrinking turtle from now on..."

Qin Chu: ...

"Qin Chu, although I have always been in a relationship with you...but I am a friend of Huo Mian, really a friend who can change my life."

"I know." Qin Chu said.

"Do you know, let me be a tortoise turtle? Is that my style?" Su Yu was a little angry.

"I know that you are not afraid, but this is not a small fight. We are not facing ordinary people... Su family is only your descendant... I don't want Grandpa Su to worry about you at an age." Qin Chu thinks enough, and the Su family has a good grace for them. They can't let Su Yu be in danger because of their family's affairs.

Qin Chu is actually a good heart... At least it is really for the sake of Su Yu.

"Qin Chu, do you know what I hate most about you?" Su Yu suddenly asked.

"?" Qin Chu looked at Su Yu with doubts.

"I hate you with a big sense of ignorance, just like in this world, outside of you, no one else can sacrifice it. You are the best, you are a saint, okay?"

Qin Chu: ...

"If I am a greedy and fearful person, I may not have been in charge of you for a long time... You should have heard of it. In order to get out of prison, I will keep my sleep safe and safe, I will use a pistol. Pointing at my own head, forcing my grandfather to be helpless... At that time, I thought, if Grandpa is in charge, I will really collapse myself. So, in your opinion, in the eyes of outsiders, I am The high-ranking child is the only blood of the Su family, the grandson of the Soviet commander, the prince of the Su family... the heir to the billionaires... but here I have only one identity, that is - I am Huo A very important friend who sleeps."

After listening to these words, Qin Chu did not have an accident. It seems that Su Yu’s character is not greedy and fearful of death. It is not the kind of person who escapes.

"I was not afraid of death at the beginning, and I am not afraid now, so... don’t you tell me what Ian, I am... I don’t care so much, I can safely save my sleep, it is what I want to do most. If you are worried that I will rob you of your credit, can you tell Laozi directly?" Su Yu released his words.

"How come?" Qin Chu smiled lightly, Su Yu, a man, always made him look at each other.

"Hey... it’s quarreling outside, you’re going to check it out.” Douding ran over and took Qin Chu’s hand.

"Noisy?" Qin Chu can be wondering this time, who can argue in his house so ignorant?

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