My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3095: True and false fake Huo Siqian (four)

"Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road... It is said that it is a citywide alert, and it is necessary to run a marathon..." Shen Mingxi said with a smile.

Then he opened the door and hugged the sweetness in the back seat. Her blue princess dress, with a hair clip, was very glamorous.

"Everyone is coming so early?" Shen Mingxi's tone took the initiative.

However, before waiting for others to open, Wei Liao directly opened Jiang Xiaowei's hand, striding over the meteor's face and shining on Shen Mingxi's face.

This sudden punch made him very aggressive, and there was no power to fight. He wobbled and almost squatted.

"Oh... you are a bad guy, why are you playing my uncle... you are a big bad guy."

Sweetly cried directly, grabbed Wei Liao’s arm and took a bite.

Perhaps she was too angry and regarded Wei Liao as a full-fledged bad guy, so this mouth was also crazy.

I gave Wei Liao’s hand a bit of a bright red blood...

Wei Liao suffered pain and frowned slightly... but there was no way to start a child.

His anger is only the entanglement between Shen Mingxi and his sister, so even if he is bitten, he still has nothing to hold back.

"Halo... Your dad was bitten..." Douding took Gao Boyuan's hand, and then owed a look at Wei Yunchu.

Pudding also looked at Wei Yunchu sideways, but said nothing.

Wei Yunchu wore black shorts, light blue short sleeves, and a black bow tie, like a little gentleman.

A few children are about the same age, but Wei Yunchu is the one with the least words.

Wei Yunchu saw his father hurt, and he said nothing, but rushed straight to the sweet little cockroach.

Then pull hard...

"You dare to bite my dad, are you a dog?" Wei Yunchu shouted at sweet.

Then she was not willing to pull her hair, smashed her out and fell to the ground.

"Oh... you are all bad guys, I don't like it here, Uncle Shen... let's go."

Shen Mingxi hastened to help the children...

Wei Ying saw it and took it out with a wet towel. He wanted to wipe the sweet and dirty little hand.

Unexpectedly, she was pushed by her.

"You are going away, you are a bad woman... If it is not because of you, it will not be like this. How can you just hang around with my uncle, Uncle Shen, can't you find a man?"

Wei Ying was slightly shocked...

"Sweet, live, don't talk to your elders."

"I am not correct? What is her elder, my mother said, she is a lie who likes to take the initiative to post a man... even a child can not be born, no man likes her, she is close to Shen Shushu, the purpose is not pure."

Sweetness seems to be getting worse...

Shen Mingxi quickly grabbed her mouth and prevented her from continuing.

"Xiao Ying, childish, you don't want to."

Not waiting for Shen Mingxi to speak, Jiang Xiaowei was a little angry.

"What children's words are unscrupulous, these few children will not say such words, it seems that Huo Wei did not insult the child to the thoughts of the monks."

"Yeah, this little girl looks very cute, and the mouth is very vicious. How can this be done?" Zhu Lingling also found that she did not like this child very much.

"Sister, is that sweet? It feels like being possessed by a ghost... It’s a bit irritating." Douding whispered.

"I haven't seen her for a long time, I don't know why." Pudding said.

Before, Huo Wei had a good relationship with Huo Mian for a while, and sweets often came here to play with the twins.

At that time, the pudding did not think that sweetness was such a mean child.

"Xiao Ying, have you heard it? When are you going to swear, even Huo's daughter can't look down on you..." Wei Liao looked at her sister with some heartache.

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