My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3200: Multiple women in bed (9)

"Who do you listen to who gossip?" Su Yu is also drunk.

"Ah? You won't know it yet?"

“Do you know what?” Su Yu’s slight glimpse, I don’t know what it’s supposed to be in Tangchuan’s mouth?

"I rely on you, you really don't know."

"Don't talk nonsense, just say, what's going on."

"I don't want to say, look at the news soon, haha, I will go to your house to find you, ha."

"I will go to work soon." Su Yu's face sank.

"Then I will go to the Star Emperor to find you, wow haha..." Tang Chuan's laughter was very infiltrating, and then he waited for Su Yu to speak, and he hanged up.

Su Yu opened the headlines...and suddenly dumbfounded.

What kind of tender model is overnight, what bodyguards escort, can he really pull?

However, Su Yu simply did not take care of these news. Anyway, many female stars of the Star Emperor tried to stay with him.

It is also a bad way to use this kind of unilateral sneak shot. It has been used briefly. Zhao Qingya has also used it...

It’s not a big deal...

So Su Yu took a quick glance, left the phone aside, and then had breakfast with Xiao An.

The use of Xiao An is getting bigger and bigger, even more powerful than the babysitter. Even the breakfast is getting better and better.

Su Yu himself put a bit of butter honey on the bread, and then forked a sausage with a fork, biting a big mouth, it looks good appetite.

"Su total..."

"Well?" Su Yu looked up and looked at Xiao An.

"The woman who was last night... who?"

"Who do you know who it is?" Su Yu looked innocent.

"But she has the key to our villa... We have been very strict in the community, it is impossible to be copied by the people. When I sent the woman out yesterday, she also said that she has the key and can always Come in, scare me, and quickly lock the door from the inside."

"Smart." Su Yu pointed to Xiao An with a fork, and praised his wit.

"But then I thought about it, since there are our keys, it is definitely not a normal ordinary character..."

"Well, the person I got from my aunt." Su Yuyun said lightly.

"Ah? The person on your aunt's side?" Xiaoan had never seen Su Yumei several times, but she also knew that she was a big man in the province, and her husband was a senior official.


"It seems that your aunt is also anxious about your lifelong event?" Xiao An laughed.

"That can't be a cat and a dog are sent to me, I am not the place to adopt stray cats and dogs..." Su Yu sarcastically.

"Hah, but how do I feel that the girl was very interesting last night, and her personality is not bad."

"You are so interested, give you?" Su Yu looked at Xiao An with a faint look.

"Don't stop, I don't want to, I can't control it... so a girl with personality, it's still suitable for the boss."

"Let's be a little flattering, hurry to eat, we will go to the company earlier, there are still many things today, yes, you remind me, I have a pudding for lunch, and then take her to the securities office in the afternoon."

"it is good."

When the master and the servant finished their meal early, they went to the headquarters of the Star Emperor. It was thought that it was very small.

But because of one thing, there has been a qualitative change...

The woman exposed in the news actually opened Weibo.

And the name is called - Su Yu Villa overnight heroine.

After the opening, she also sent a Weibo, wrote on Weibo - some people who are deliberately guessing can stop, a certain royal is not homosexual, and the technology is very good.

This time, the entire microblogging has been blown up, just half an hour, on the hot search, and has been in a state of explosion.

Nanshan Castle

"Mummy... Is Su Shuai being blacked out?" Doudou asked Huo Mian's skirt.

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