My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3216: You are a dog skin plaster (5)

"Husband, hehe..." Huo Mian wanted to say a few words, but Qin Chuxi did not give the opportunity.

If you don’t agree, you will kiss...

Is this the rhythm of heaven?

For a long time, Huo Mian felt that it was too fast, and Qin Chu was relieved to let go of her.

Then he did not loose his hands, or hugged him tightly.

"Husband, what is the situation? Are you drinking?" Huo Mian looked awkward.

Qin Chu: ...

"Husband, is it just a nap, a nightmare, haha?" Huo Mian's imagination is also extremely rich.

Qin Chu: ...

"Oh, I know, husband, you must have done something sorry for me, I am afraid that I blame you, so I came to a sweet date first... um, it must be like this, saying that the child's small food is not what you bought. Do you forget what I said? Children should try not to eat those things, especially the sweet drinks, which are pigmented and resistant..."

Huo Mian is planning to talk long and eloquently.

However, Qin Daren suddenly turned his head. "Wife, our second baby is a boy, right?"

"Amount... Where did you hear it?"

"You answer me first?" Qin Chu looked at his wife's eyes seriously, his expression was very serious.

"I... In fact, I also know that doing this kind of thing is not good. As a hospital leader, I still secretly look at sex, but... I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Ha, after all, boys and girls are their own children... ...."

"Answer me." Qin Chu saw that Huo Mian wandered around and did not say the key point, but also drunk.

"Well, yes." In the end, Huo Mian said that he couldn't help but say two words.

Later, Qin Chu’s eyes became gentle.

He reached out and gently stroked the delicate cheek of Huo Mian.

"So, this time we really want children and children, isn't it?" Qin Chu can't believe it.

"Hah, don't hold too much hope. If there is any error, if it is a turn, it may be a daughter..." Huo Jin did not dare to say that it was too full. After all, the baby is still small.

"I know, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as she comes."

Qin Chu knows that these words are only comforting him.

Hospitals in the Southern District, such as cattle, if the gender is identified, there should be no mistakes.

Therefore, the second baby in Huo Mian’s stomach is actually a son.

In fact, Qin Chu is okay, and there is no concept for boys and girls.

As long as it is born of Huo Mian, it is really his heart baby.

However, at the thought of the huge family business, there is a small man who can inherit, and that mood is also full of pride.

It is said that one child and one woman will make up a good word. The Qin Da people originally had two daughters. Is it too good to have a son this time?

Qin Chu never thought about it, and one day he would have such a happy life.

So I feel a little excited, and he is a little different from usual.

He hit the cross with Huo Jinmian and then walked to the glass window...

"Wow... Why, let me down, people are not good, here is the office."

"Wife, I have worked hard... I have given puddings and puddings for me, and now I have to face our youngest son."

"Smelly, ha, if it is not a son."

"All is good, as long as you are born, you are giving me ten daughters, I am happy too."

Qin Chu bowed his head and kissed Hu Jin’s forehead.

"Crazy, I am not a sow, I don't want to give birth to ten. When this is over, I will not be born..." Huo Mian protested.

"Okay, listen to you."

"Right, husband, I have something, the amount... I want to confess with you." Suddenly think of Hossein's things, Huo Mian has some guilty conscience.

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