My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3219: You are a dog skin plaster (eight)

Su Yu made a phone call to Xiao An.

"Su total."

“Are the customers sent away?”

"Sent off."

"Then why are you still not coming back?" Su Yu suddenly felt that there was no Xiao An to give it a hand, and he seemed to be lonely.

"I was going to go back, but I received a call from my wife, so I will go to the old house first."

"What is my mom calling you?"

"Mrs. said, some of your grandfather's old men, brought back some seasonal lychees in the south, what is the scorpion laugh, the taste is very good, let me bring you some."

"I am not a child, what fruit to eat, really, come back soon."

"Okay, Su."

"Hey, wait... there aren't many lychees? Are you packing a few boxes for Nanshan Castle?"

"Do not worry, my wife has long thought of it, has sent people to go, boss, you still remember people like Dr. Huo. Really?" Xiaoan friendly reminder.

"Fart, I am thinking about my family pudding and doudding." Su Yu mouth hard.

"Well, Su, you won."

Xiao An smiled and hung up.

Su Yu kept watching the crazy woman live at the door, singing and jumping. Just like a mental illness, it was simply unbearable.

When Xiao An came back, let Xiao An throw it out to her, don't go crazy at the door.

Zeng Rou turned back and saw Su Yu in the house looking at it.

Immediately waved his hand and then said to the camera lens, "Would you like to dance a square dance together? Come on, dance, hurt each other?"

Su Yu:...

Su Yu had a black line and pulled the curtains straight.

The fans of the live platform are going crazy, and the female fans are desperately brushing the screen -

"Oh ah... I am so shy, I actually blocked the curtains, haha, cute and dead."

"Wow, the first time I looked at Su Shao at such a close distance, it seems really handsome, and I am ashamed... Thank you Xiaorou for giving us this opportunity."

A certain netizen sent a prop to Porsche...

A certain netizen sent a plane...

Also, send a lot of sets, 520 items directly.

For a moment, the props are flying all over the sky...

"Hah, you don't have to brush it for me. I didn't open the live broadcast to earn your money. I will be Lei Feng, and I will decrypt you, the daily life of Shen Hao Su Yu." Zeng said with a smile.

At this time, Xiao An opened another black Audi A8 in the Su Yu garage, and then took the lychee from a box in the trunk.

There are a total of four small boxes, which are very delicate.

"Xiao'an, are you coming back?" Zeng Rou said hello.

"Amount, hello." Xiaoan nodded.

"What is in your hand?"

"Mrs. gave us the lychee sent by Su."

"Wow, lychee, my favorite fruit."

"Amount... Then do you want to taste it?" Xiaoan also felt that the girls had asked, isn’t it good to be polite?

Besides, the girls are now thin and not really want to.

Unexpectedly... the plot actually reversed.

"Okay, good, give me these two boxes..."

"Amount..." Xiao An took a total of four boxes, and the girl had to leave two boxes at once. It was really...

"How? Reluctant?" Zeng Rou looked at Xiao An.

"No, how come, then give it to you."

"Thank you, you are so good, go back and ask you to eat spicy food..." Zeng Roo finished, and took two boxes of lychee directly from Xiao An's arms.

Xiao An looked at the remaining two boxes and walked inside.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Yu asked like a smile. "Well, take my things to pick up a girl. Your kid is not bad."

Scared Xiao An stunned and almost dropped both boxes on the ground.

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