My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3227: Your daughter started the company (6)

"You are free, you wait for me, ha, the ancient bar, the top floor deck."

After Su Yu set the place, he drove directly to the other side.

Perhaps because of his age, Su Yu has rarely gone to nightclubs.

They gathered with Wei Liao and gradually became hot pot restaurants, tea houses and the like.

I really wanted to drink, but I chose a very low-key ancient bar.

Su Yugang went into the door and sat down, and finished the drink, Shen Mingxi arrived.

A white dress, the same taste as Su Yu, the two fell into a clear stream in the night.

"How come you have a mood to find me today?" Su Yu laughed.

"I just feel bored."

"Are you still entangled in Wei Ying?"

"Don't say this, come, drink." Shen Mingxi did not say much, mention the wine glass, and drink with Su Yu.

In the process of talking to him, Shen Mingxi knew that it was originally said that Huo’s daughter had been sent abroad.

"Isn't this a good thing? The child is not happy when he looks at it. Isn't it better to go abroad? You are an unmarried young man, and it is not that old with a small tail."

Shen Mingxi nodded. "This is what I said, but I always feel that it is because of my selfishness that I let the children go. I thought that when the child left, I would cry for a long time. The result was very unexpected. She was very calm, everything. Didn't say, a tear did not fall."

"This child is very tempered." Su Yu said with a smile.

"It must have been mad at me. I never called me when I got there. I called her. She was also very cold."

"Oh, you are a typical enmity, and have raised her for so long, and have raised a family."

"I don't regret taking care of the children. After all, there is a fate and a hustle and bustle together, but the sweet character has indeed been somewhat distorted. I don't want her to be like her mother when she grows up. Others are good to you, that is. It’s bad for you, it’s damn, this idea is terrible.”

"Yeah, this is not the kind of friend circle recently forwarded. I will give you a candy and give it to others. You will be unhappy, but hate me, but you don't know that others have given me sugar, but You didn't give me anything, so ah, people, no matter how old or young, if you don't know how to be grateful, it's over. This person is basically a white-eyed wolf, and there is no way to get along."

"Yes, but she is only a child of a few years old. She only hopes to study hard and be a good person after going abroad."

“The child is living there over there? Is anyone taking care?”

"Yes, the school that Wei Ying contacted me, the friend I was looking for, and the guardian, it is also known."

"Wei Ying is quite generous this time. If I am, I will not care about Huo's daughter at all."

"Yes, Xiaoying is now the same person as she is. I sometimes feel that when I see her, it is like a world."

"I regret the divorce?" Su Yu asked.

"It is a fake to say no regrets, but I am not qualified to regret it. If I am wrong, I will bear the consequences... Nothing."

"You are quite big."

"Don't say me, how about you? I heard that you have a girlfriend recently, and moved to live together?"

"You guys actually watch gossip news?" Su Yu looked at Shen Mingxi.

"When the whole people know the news, how can I not know, I went to the company cafeteria at noon and heard the employees discussing."

"The employees of your company are really not here, talking about the boss's buddies behind." Su Yule.

"Don't be bullshit, is this true? Are you really ready to forget Huo Mian?" Shen Mingxi asked Su Yu.

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