My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3238: Zhixin is finally engaged (seven)

"Accept your uncle..."

Xiao An:......

Seeing the attitude of his own boss, Xiao An did not dare to talk any more.

However, from this day, Zeng Rou changed his relationship with Su Yu.

At least not as strong as the smell of gunpowder before, Xiao An certainly did not know that his boss and Zeng Ro reached a certain degree of agreement.

With the acquiescence of Su Yu, Zeng Ru was not in the tent, and moved into the villa the next day after he was discharged.

However, he lived on the floor of the guest room. Xiao An lived on the first floor. He once lived on the second floor. Su Yu lived on the third floor and guarded a floor.

Fortunately, Zeng Rou is also a person who keeps his promise. She really emptied Weibo.

The comments of those fans have also been deleted, and even the live broadcast is not open...

The whole person became normal, and sometimes he was in a good mood and would stay up late to give Su and Xiao An.

Su Yu rarely eats, only Xiao An sometimes can not wipe the face, will eat a few mouthfuls.

After Huo Mian returned, she had been on vacation and planned to go back to work in the Southern District after a few days of staying. Otherwise, it was so far away from the expected date of birth. It was really moldy to stay at home.

The twins stayed at home too busy, and finally they were sent to an international school by Qin Chu and Huo Mian, and went directly to elementary school.

Although both of the primary school courses have been completed, the pudding is required to go directly to junior high school.

However, Huo Mian considered that the children in junior high school were too precocious, the twins were too small, and they went to junior high school, which was inconvenient.

So I didn't agree, but I didn't dare to listen to Mommy's words. Pudding and Douding started my elementary school career.

Going in the morning, coming back in the afternoon, resting on Saturday and Sunday, is not bad.

Huo Mian returned to Tianfuyuan with his driver and bodyguards.

Yang beauty music is not close to the mouth, made a table delicious to Huo Mian.

"Give me a new look and eat together," said Huo Mian.

"When he is dry, you are hungry and you eat first." Yang Meimei worried that the pregnant daughter was hungry.

"It’s not bad for hungry, ha, mom, let’s wait.” Huo Mian took the mother’s arm and spoiled her.

When she lost her daughter, Yang Mei was deeply impressed. After Huo’s accident, she was really a nightmare.

For many days, I didn’t dare to close my eyes. When she thought that her daughter’s cliff might be dead, she would cry out.

Nowadays, Huo Mian, who looks at her big belly, has a feeling of being like a world.

"Small sleep..."


"The good days are not easy now, you have to live with the children of Qin Chu."

"Mom, I have been working hard to live, I have given him two children, and the third one will come out soon." Huo Mian said with a smile.

"I know, you are still young, I am afraid... If anything changes, it will ruin the good days."

"Mom, what is your change?" asked Huo Mian's temptation.

Yang Beauty put her hand on the back of her daughter's hand. She said that marriage is the grave of love. The loving couple, after seven years of itching, will feel that life is as passionate as a pool of stagnant water. The feeling between husband and wife will be the same as the left hand and the right hand, so be more careful at this time, be careful that Achu has something outside, and be careful of your own mind and don't forget the original heart..."

"Qin Chu will not, I will not." Huo Mian gave a guarantee.

"Small sleep, Su Yu that child... For so long, there is no object, is it related to you?" Yang Mei asked.

"Mom... good end, how come this suddenly?"

"Not a mother, I went to your home last time. Your mother-in-law casually talked to me. When I talk about this, I don't know if she is unintentional or deliberate. I think... you are especially pregnant now, or don't Su Yu’s child has been too close in the past. You are now a wife, and the mother of the children. You must avoid it. Otherwise, I will introduce him to him. I see you’s aunt’s rain. Yes, it’s a flight attendant, and people look good. Maybe Su Yu’s child can look at it?” Yang Meimei said with Huo Mian.

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