My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3247: Men can't share (six)

"Don't be like this, I said..." The man was scared by the smoke of a few words.

"Say." Lu Yan also has no patience, and all the good moods of eating are all yellow.

"It was a security guard downstairs that I threatened to do this. He said that if I didn't do it, I shot and killed me."

"Don't talk nonsense, can the security guard have such a big skill?" The man under the land of Lu Yan slaps in the palm of his hand, and the head of the chef is staring at Venus.

"He may not lie, after all, those people are coming in, pretending that security is not impossible." Lu Yan said.

"What is the security guard, on a few floors, do you remember?"

"Remember, it’s a white man, a tall man, about two meters tall, and his eyes are awkward."

"Go, look up."

"Yes, boss." The man turned his head and went downstairs.

"Boss, I helped you kill this guy." Amy came over and took out the dagger, to end the head chef.

"No, I still use this guy." Lu smoke stopped Amy.

Amy’s slight glimpse seems to be a little embarrassing...

No one knows what Lu Yan is thinking.

Except for Joe Fei, no one seems to really understand Luyan.


Tangchuan Villa

"Dear, you really have to go?"


"Then I will go with you." Tang Chuan reluctantly, holding Qin Ning's waist from behind, began to stick.

"I only bought my ticket with him."

"My father-in-law, it is purely intentional... It is no wonder that the father-in-law and the son-in-law are natural enemies, and they are really ruthless." Tang Chuan lamented.

"Fart, don't deliberately black me. I am going back this time to resign and resign. I all agree that I am with you. What do you want?"

"How long will it take to go back?" Tang Chuan rubbed Qin Ning's neck with his nose.

It’s itching and laughing.

"Hey, don't make trouble, it's really itchy... This time it should be very fast, it is estimated that I will be back in about ten days."

"What? Ten days, no... too long." Tangchuan protested.

"Please, it’s only ten days."

"Then I can't see you in ten days, I will want to die of you."

"You can video with me."

"The two of us are sometimes bad, one day and one night, it is impossible to video every day, you can't think of me."

"Hah, I didn't marry you, I mean."

"That won't work. You have to give me a little sweetness when you go this long."

"What sweet?" Qin Ning was stupid.

"Small girl don't pretend to be stupid with me, what do you say?"

After that, Tang Chuan originally licked the two big hands of Qin Ning's waist, and slipped extremely into the inside of her short sleeve.

From bottom to top, a mess...

"Hey, Tang Xiaochuan, you give me a hand."

"Qin Xiaoning, you have to worry about letting me stay alone for ten days, can't you give me a comforting reward? You are too worried..."

"I, I, I..." Looking at Tang Chuan, who was poorly sold, Qin Ning actually had some losses.

"I should actually eat you before you leave, so that you don't have to sleep long nights..."

After that, Tang Chuan simply pushed forward, Qin Ning directly lying on the stall behind him without warning.


It’s too late to scream, the whole body of the man is pressed up, the storm is a kiss, and Qin Ning, who has nothing to do with men and women, suddenly feels confused.

"Tang Xiao..."

"Hey, don't talk, feel with your heart." Tang Chuan sealed her mouth.

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