My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3265: Group show love (4)

Huo Mian:......

"Mummy, you won't remember it, is that woman who is in Su Shuai's house?" Douding stressed.

"I know she is Zeng Rou."

"She really hates it, both my sister and I can bother her." Douding said.

"Why?" Huo Mian was confused.

"Because she is a singer, running from the field, entangled Su Shuai, but also broke the disgusting things, and opened the live broadcast in Su Shuai's house, and opened microblogging momentum... really disgusting, this kind of A woman who borrows a man from a higher position has more slag."

"Doudou, you don't know people, don't make it so early." Huo Mian patiently explained.

"I don't want to know her, I know that she is not worthy of Su Shuai, just like the previous Jane."

Huo Mian laughed. "So who do you think can match your Su Shuai?"

Douding thought about it, then looked at her sister. "Sister, you said, what kind of person can deserve our Su Shuai, Mommy suddenly asked, and gave me a slap."

The pudding looked up slowly and looked at the peas. Then he looked at Mommy and said, "I think, such a good person as Mommy can deserve Su Shuai?"

Huo Mian just wanted to talk, and listened to the pudding. "But Mommy is already famous, and we seem to be better than Su Shuai."

"If you hear this, you will be smug." Huo Mule.

"So I think that the people who can be matched with Su Shuai now have only two of our sisters," Pudding said.

"Hey...." Huo Mian almost vomited blood.

"Mummy, don't listen to her **** with you, she deliberately scares you." Douding quickly comforted his mother.

"Mummy, actually I have a selfish idea." The look of Pudding suddenly became serious.

"what idea?"

"I think, or Su Shuai will play a bachelor for a lifetime."

Huo Mian:......

"Really, I think that his temper will not easily like other people. It is better to live like this."

"How can it be, Sujia Yimai single pass, you are too grandfather, and Su grandfather Su grandmother only Su Yu such a son, you are letting them Su family?" Huo Mian firmly opposed.

"Mummy, you are out of date, and now test tube babies are popular," Pudding said.

"Right, Mommy, you can let Su Shuai go to the test-tube baby, then give birth to seven, and make a gourd baby." Douding laughed.

Huo Mian:......

"Well, today's chat is over." Huo Mian felt that there was a serious generation gap with her daughters, and there was no way to communicate. It was going crazy.

"Mummy, if you don't help us, we both have to deal with Zengrou ourselves." Douding said.

"I will give me a stop, not to cause trouble." Huo Mian blame.

She also knows the temper of the two daughters, especially the hostility of the women around Su Yu.

Regarding Zeng Rou, Huo Mian did not know what kind of person she was, nor what her purpose was to come to Su Yu.

However, from her heart, she did not intend to let Su Yu play a bachelor for a lifetime.

If you really can't touch Su Yu's favorite, then you can like him if you like him. At least you can treat him for a lifetime.

In love, Huo Mian may be selfish, only Qin Chu in his heart.

But in terms of friendship, she was really disappointed that Su Yu could have someone to take care of him and stay with him, so that he would not be alone for the rest of his life.

After returning home, the children immediately sang and ran in the living room.

Huo Mian went upstairs to take a shower, rested in bed, bored to open the WeChat circle of friends, and found that today is particularly exciting, everyone is watching Tang Xiaochuan.

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