My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3269: Group show love (eight)

"So late, you still don't sleep?" Zengrou deliberately looked for a topic.

"I am waiting for the little mouse to go down and eat."

"Cut, if you robbed my dumplings, I still use it in the middle of the night to find food. Are you still embarrassed to say?"

"If I know that your package is so bad, I would rather eat instant noodles." Su Yu said.

"Oh, your old man is getting a cheap sale, relying on the old and selling old?" Zeng soft and funny looking at Su Yu.

"Yes, how, you bite me?"

"Bite you, even if I am afraid of rabies... I will not talk nonsense with you, my grandmother is hungry." Zeng Rou did not say to Su Yu, to go to the refrigerator.

"The refrigerator is empty."

"Rely, are you deliberate?" Zeng Jiao turned to see Su Yu.

"There is bread here, it should be no hair, you can look at the shelf life and eat it again." After that, Su Yu got up and stuffed the bread in Zengrou.

Didn't wait for her to react.

Su Yu continued, "Tomorrow is the engagement party of Xiaomian's brother, you go with me."

"Ah?" Zeng Rou didn't seem to react at all.

Su Yu did not repeat, and when he turned to the floor, he walked to the second floor, and Zeng Rou realized it.

Some excitement asked, "Can I accompany you to some occasions? Wow, or your good friends, Su Yu, are you falling in love with me?"

Zeng Ruo’s question was obviously a joke and he wanted to bring some atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu stood on the second floor and saw Zeng Rou's eyes, faint back. "If I have a girlfriend, then Xiaomian will be more happy, it will not cause so much trouble for her."

After that, Su Yu continued on the third floor and went to the bedroom.

"Looking in the trough, I am so careful." Zeng Ruoyi said to himself in the same place.

I did my homework before I came, knowing that Su Yu is a dead-hearted person, and she has been loving the woman for a long time.

And have never changed...

When he came, Su Ayi gave it to him. The scorpion was hot and it was normal to say something that was not good.

Even when the fire is big, it is normal to throw Zeng Rou out.

Zeng Rou has been psychologically prepared, and even prepared to eat and drink in the Su Yu family.

But this conversation tonight is really too far off guard.

I thought that I could go out to meet his friends with him. It was an approval for her.

But Su Yu clearly told her that everything is for Huo Mian.

Because he has a girlfriend, Huo Mian is not troubled.

This reason is really good, even if Zeng Rou did not fall in love with Su Yu, still feel very sad.

Calm downstairs and look at the bread in your hand.

The shelf life is obviously today. It seems that at night, Su Yu did not know when to go out and just bought it.

Even deliberately scared her, saying that it may be long hair.

This man, the typical mouth is hard and soft.

Zeng Rou had a cold heart and it was warm again in an instant.

"Su Yu... You are such a wonderful thing... but I am very interested in continuing to fight against you." Zeng said with a smile, then opened the bread and ate.

Early morning

When Su Yu went downstairs, she did not see the breakfast as usual.

"What is the situation today, do you not have to eat?" Su Yu asked.

"Miss Zeng is doing makeup upstairs, saying that today I am not cooking, let everyone be hungry first, and go to the new wedding party at noon for a while." Xiao An said.

"The trough..." Su Yu couldn't help but swear.

I really need it, I don’t want to eat at my own home, run the wedding reception at the wedding party?

Passed out, isn’t it a joke?

At this moment, Zeng Ru came down from the upstairs.

Su Yuben thought that this woman would be dressed up to attend, like the female artists of the company, with heavy makeup and smudges.

Unfortunately, after he saw it, he was shocked.

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